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“I don't care about what they are offering. Just tell them I'm not interested.” I said to my secretary over the phone.

“Okay Mr. Rossi.” She said and I hung up.

I rubbed my temple before sighing.

I was about to do some paperwork when I heard screaming and shouting.

I quickly get up and went downstairs from where the screaming and shouting were coming.

I walked into the hallway and saw everyone outside Vanessa's room shouting.

“What the hell is happening?” I asked Vincenzo who was looking worried as hell.

“She got a call and immediately became furious. Then she ran out and locked herself in.” He answered frantically.

“What?“ I asked in shock.

“Vanessa open the fucking door right now!” Dad shouted.

“Stop banging at me fucking door you all will break it for fuck's sakes.” She shouted and annoyance was clear in her voice.

“Are you kidding me? You broke the vase and stormed out without telling us anything.” Lorenzo shouted.

“Stop shouting. I'm not doing anything for you to be worried about.” She shouted.

“Then open the door” Nicolo said loudly and next thing we know the door was opened by Vanessa.

We all did not expect the room to be completely rubbished and her looking like she was just about to go in a meeting.

“What the hell happened?” Angelo asked.

“I took out my anger so that I don't snap at anyone during my meeting.” She answered with a blank look.

“What was the call about?” Nicolo asked before pulling her in her embrace.

I am jealous of their relationship. Even when she was young he was her favourite and now that she's back he is still her favourite.

When she was just a toddler, I would do every silly thing to make her happy and play with me. We would play for hours but the moment Nicolo would come she used to run to him and forgets that I was also with her.

But at least I was the second favourite brother and our bond was different from theirs.

“Someone broke into Lucas's house and kidnapped him as well as beat his mother. ” She said clenching her fist tightly, and I saw blood oozing out of them.

I quickly pushed Vincenzo aside and went to her before taking her fists in my hand and stopped her from hurting herself.

I dragged her with me in her room before facing everyone.

“Wait downstairs. We will be there.” I said but Nicolo and dad looked hesitant before leaving.

I closed the door and turned to face her.

“Sit down” I ordered.

“Don't order me.” She glared at me and I already knew this was coming.

“Just sit down” I said again.

“I am leaving.” She said and tried to leave, but I'm not having this today.

I stand in front of the door blocking it.

“Dante, move.” She hissed at me.

“Bloody hell! Just sit down and let me treat your hands!” I shouted.

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