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Lucas's Pov:

“YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE HONEY!” My mom yelled from downstairs.

I ran downstairs completely out of breath and said “I'm ready”

“I'll drop Mason to the play school as you're already late. Here's your breakfast, and You've to pick your brother up as I'll be working late.” Mom informed me.

“Are we still behind on money?” I asked while eating cereal.

“You don't have to worry! I'll be working overtime.” Mom assured me.

“I will be getting my salary today. You can also add that in the budget.” I said as I work as a waiter in a nearby café.

“No honey, I'll take care of it.” She said and kissed my forehead before leaving with my little brother.

I only live with my mother and brother since my father died of overdose. He wasn't abusive or anything but was a drug addict. He did everything to make us all happy. He really tried, but he couldn't take it well that we were struggling with everything after he lost his job. He was the best dad I could have ever asked for. He never took drugs in front of us. He did his best.

I sighed and headed to school. I was wearing an oversized hoodie with its hood covering my face. This school is for rich, but I'm also here because of the scholarship. I don't have a single friend. The rich jocks bully me here.
No one talks to me. I'm invisible to everyone until I'm bullied.

I ran to my first class since I was already late. It was chemistry with Mrs. Robertson. She was a complete example of cranky pants though she doesn't have any problems with me as I'm her favourite student.

I lightly knock on the door catching everyone's attention.

Mrs. Robertson looked at me then sighed and went back to teaching without saying anything to me for which I was glad.

I went to my seat which was at the back but was surprised to see someone more precisely a girl sitting beside my seat.

I frowned. No one sit beside me since I'm no one. She must be a new student otherwise she won't be sitting there.

I took my seat and I took a good look at her. She was the epitome of perfection. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her face wasn't even caked in make up. She was naturally beautiful. Her hairs were reaching her waist. Her lips were also perfect. I was trying to read her when she turns towards me and her hazel eyes locked with me. I felt like my heart just stopped. She was perfect. I blushed and looked away. Screw me for being shy.

As you would have done something even if you weren't shy. She's completely out of our league. She looks really elegant and dangerous.

She won't even spare us a glance. Remember we are poor.

You're nothing.

My conscious mocked me or more precisely gave me a reality check.

“Vanessa.” I heard her spoke.

Is she talking to me? Why would a beautiful girl like her even spare a glance at me? Is someone behind me that she's talking to?

“Are you talking to me?” I whispered shyly. I had to make sure if she's talking to me.

“Yes I'm.” What? Why? Is she also going to make fun of me?

She raised her eyebrows and stared at me.

She's asking for your name, you idiot.

My conscious again told me.

“Lucas Miller” I shyly answered and my voice was just above a whisper.

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