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Lucas's Pov:

“You seriously have some guts to point a gun on my head” Vanessa said not even bothered. How in the world is she so calm? She has a gun pointed at her head for cow's sake!

“I will pull a trigger as well and become the most feared with your Mafia under my control” He said, and She darkly chuckled. Why in the world is she so Dang calm? And her Mafia? What the hell is going on?

“I am a bad person Lucas. I do bad things and I do them really well”.

“You seriously are an idiot. You won't get my Mafia even if you kill me” she said.

“I'll tell you who I'm. It's your decision then if you want to stay”.

“What do you mean?” Viktor asked Vanessa.

“Well, if you somehow kill me, which I highly doubt, All the information of my mafia along with the information of its members and everything will be destroyed. You won't be able to know who worked for me and who didn't.
Plus, You'll have my Mafia members out for your blood because you had asked for war. But, It's only if you get out of here. Alive.” She explained sipping on her juice calmly. She just threatened him.

“I don't want to drag you in my world, but I can't fucking control myself. I'm selfish for you”.

“I'm the one pointing a gun at you and you're trying to threaten me?” Viktor hissed.

“I didn't threaten you. I promised you. I know you won't be leaving this room alive” She said calmly.

Who is she? She threatened Viktor Smirnov.

“You just have two men standing behind you. What can you do?” Viktor said.

“For starters, I would put the gun down if I were you” She spoke calmly, but anyone can hear the hidden threat.

“I'm not stupid. I'll just- AHH” Viktor was about to do something when Vanessa gestured something with her finger and next thing I saw was Viktor's fist was cut off from his body and he was bleeding profusely. All the Viktor's men except the one behind him pointed the guns at Vanessa and the two men with her.

Is it bad that I'm extremely frightened?

“I would drop the guns if I were in your place because that red dot on everyone's ties is not just a red dot” Vanessa said drinking her wine.


“Tempest Queen, I did all of this for my family. For my wife and son. I hope you don't kill me. But I don't regret anything” Viktor said and his men gave him a downcast look as they all dropped their guns.


Oh, shut up! Even though the Tempest Queen do illegal work, she has saved people more than the government.

My conscious pointed out.

“Your wife and a son? I don't know how she even stayed with you. I got to know that you were abusive and toxic towards her. You loved your son, but you also harmed him when you were under the influence of meth. Your wife even tries to run away with your son. So tell me, Will she care?” Vanessa said calmly.

How the hell does she know about everything?

“You think you know about everything? I love her more than anything in this world, and it kills me every day that I am the one who harmed her. I harmed her so that everyone thinks that I don't care about her, and she stays out from anyone's target and about my son, I didn't even give him the training to become the next mafia leader because I don't want him to be like me. I want him to have a normal life not as a killer. If I could, I would have given up this lifestyle but knowing that if I did, My family would be in danger with no protection. So yes I'm a bad guy for trying to get as many powers I can so that my family would be protected” Viktor hissed.

“So wait, If I gave you an opportunity to have a normal life with your family and no contact with the Mafia world. You'll accept it?” Vanessa asked intrigued.

“Of course! I would do anything for them. But is that possible? You can have my mafia but please make it possible” Viktor said hopefully, but his hand was still bleeding.

“Luke, attempt to his hand” Vanessa said as a guy enter with a first aid kit and handed it to the guy name Luke before leaving.

“Let those two waiters go” Vanessa ordered the men but one of them threw a knife at her but she caught it with her hand before it could make contact and throw it back. The knife was stabbed between his eyes and he was dead.

I saw her killing someone. Oh My God!

“Viktor if you really thought I would fall for your act you are really stupid.” She said and did some gestured again with her fingers and every Viktor men except the one were all dead.

“Thank you, Bryan. I knew I could trust you with this job” Vanessa said to the only alive man of Viktor.

“Anything for you, Donna” The guy Bryan said.

“You asshole? You fucking betrayed me? You told them about the whole plan? You were my 2nd hand man!” Viktor shouted.

“I was her spy. I was never on your side.” The Bryan guy said.

(A/N: If you guys don't remember, Roman, Aaron, Mike, Luke, Bryan and Ryder were the guys from when she killed her rapist)

“So, Smirnov. Say hello to the devil from me” Vanessa said, and I don't know from where she pulled the knife out and stab him in the throat. The blood was spilled all over Vanessa's face and,

Next thing I know, everything went black.


A/N: Here is another chapter for you guys❤ Enjoy Lovelies! You all are best❤❤

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