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Vanessa's POV:

“You didn't tell me? Even when you knew I liked her?”

Who is Lucas?



I stared at everyone faces then looked at Nicolo who was looking pale as ever as I looked at Armano who was in shock.

I sighed and answered "Well, Lucas is a guy, who I had gone on a date a few days ago. He's this innocent guy I've ever met. He is the only lightness in my world which is filled with nothing but darkness. He's the guy without whom I'll be lost in the darkness again. He is my light." I answered with a little smile twinkling on my lips as I speak about him.

“She's smiling” Angelo whispered causing me to break out of my trance on go back to my emotionless self.

I cleared my throat and wait for them to say something.

“A boy that is innocent? You don't know! Men are not good. They will only hurt you. You are crazy if you think he's innocent.” Angelo said in his protective mode. He didn't said it rudely but like explaining something to a toddler.

“I appreciate your concern, but I can tell just by looking at someone what kind of person he or she is. And, You haven't met Lucas, so don't say anything about him.” I said and he sighed.

“I am okay with her dating. She smiled while talking about him that means he makes her happy. Even a blind person can see that she is in love and happy.” Lorenzo said making me choke on nothing.

“I'm not in love” I argued.

"You sure sister? Do I need to remind you how you were after coming back from your date?" Nicolo asked smirking and I smirked back.

He didn't realize why I smirked back until Vincenzo open his mouth and said “You knew?” making Nicolo chuckle nervously.

“I wasn't the only one. Armano knew too” He rushed out diverting everyone's attention to Armano who still has not recovered from his shock.

“Huh?” Armano said making everyone snickered.

“So, why didn't you tell us?” Angelo asked.

“You never asked” I said and shrugged.

“You still haven't answered me!” Armano said.

“I didn't tell her that you liked her, so I couldn't tell you that she liked you” I said.

“But still. If I knew, I would have asked her out on the date already.” He said.

“Really?” I asked and he nodded.

I smirked inwardly while grab my phone and calling Emma.

It's time to play matchmaker.

“What are you doing?” Armano asked confused.

“YOU GRUMPY OLD MANIAC! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT THE CALL WAS ON SPEAKER” Emma yelled instantly after picking up the call.

“I forgot, and before you say Armano wants to ask you out now that he knows that you like him back.” I rushed out and heard someone fall besides me and the line was silent.

I looked at besides me to see Armano was the one who fell off the chair.

“He likes me?” I heard Emma whisper.

“Yes. And he's asking you out on.” I said and I heard Emma squealed.

“You'll make me deaf.” I hissed at her.

“I don't care! He asked me out!” She said and I hung up.

“That went better than I thought!” I whispered and looked at Armano who was looking at me like I'm crazy.

“I have a date! I don't know when and what to do! You asked her out for me. Thank you, but you're the craziest person I've ever met.” He said and sat back on his chair.

“Shut up. I did you a favour. Now, it's up to you what you will be doing because your date is on Saturday.” I said and began to eat my food peacefully before saying.

“Armano, if you know any boy who is into boys inform me because I want Damien to finally date someone” and saw Angelo tightened his grip around the spoon he was holding.

“Wait! Damien is gay?” Nicolo asked and I nodded.

“Yeah. He's into boys. If any of you is going to say something Homophobic, Don't” I deadpanned.

“I don't have problems with Gay people! Hell, I don't know why people look at them any different. I mean it's not like they are alien or something.” Lorenzo said, and I looked at Angelo to find him looking like he was deep in thought.

“For real. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you're not straight!” Dante said. I looked at him, and he looked at me with a knowing look telling me that he knows.

We all fell into deep comfortable silence, and I was almost finished with my dinner when Angelo finally spoke
“I am Gay” making everyone look at him.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Let's go shopping!”

“Well, at least you're not Bi then you would have twice the headaches!”

“Does this mean you can find me nice clothes now?”

“Just promise me you won't be a slutty gay”

“I know”

Everyone said at the same time. The first one was from Nicolo. The second comment was from Lorenzo. Third from Vincenzo and fourth from Armano while me and Dante said the last one.

“You both knew?” Angelo asked ignoring the comments from others.

“Yeah” Both me and Dante said at the same time again.

“So you all are okay with me? You are not disgusted or disappointed?” He asked nervously.

“Why would we be disgusted or disappointed?” Everyone asked at the same time.

“Because I'm gay?” He said.

“No! You're still our brother. This doesn't change anything.” Dante said and we all nodded in agreement.

“Finally. Now let me finish my food.” I said and went back to eating my dinner only to get disturbed by a familiar voice shouting “Children, I'm home!”

I heard the voice of a footstep headed towards us when I turned my face to stare at the familiar person who had a big grin on his face which quickly turned into shock after noticing me.




A/N: Here is another chapter for you guys❤ Enjoy Lovelies! You all are best❤❤

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