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Vanessa's Pov

“So Lucas, do you want to play 20 questions?” I asked him.

We're currently sitting in a café with our drinks. We ordered espresso and hot chocolate with a medium cheese Pizza.

“Sure” He murmured shyly.

“What is one thing that brings a smile to your face, no matter the time of day?” I asked.

“I will say my little brother and my mother.” He answered and I nodded.

“What makes you laugh?” He asked me.

“I don't laugh” I deadpanned, and he frowned.

“Why?” He questioned.

“Because there's nothing to laugh about...except my life” I answered but said the last part to myself.

“There must be something” He asked again.

“Why? You plan on making me laugh” I asked and wiggled my eyebrows at him turning his face into a deep shade of red.

He's so fucking cute.

“Aww... Is little dove blushing?” I cooed at him making him blush more.

“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out.” He said shyly and looked down blushing.

Did he just compliment me?

He's so cute.

“Are not you cute, little dove!” I gushed and pinched his cheeks making him blush more.

We then peacefully ate our pizza with comfortable silence when he spoke
“Why do you talk to me?” his voice barely above a whisper.

“What do you mean? Do you not want to talk with me?” I asked with a frown.

“No! I like talking to you. What I mean is that I'm not rich. I am not perfect. You're worth more. I'm just a goody two shoes. I'm not even fudging strong!” He exclaimed with a frown.

“You don't have to be rich for me to talk to you. You're not perfect? I wish you could see yourself with my eyes.
Your innocence is the most attractive thing about you and you don't have to be strong! I am here, I can protect you.” I stated making him blush.

“You don't even cuss. God! You're perfect.” I murmured, and he blushed more if that was even possible.

We were talking when my phone began to ring like fucking crazy.

I looked at the caller I'd to see Dante calling, so I picked it up.

(D for Dante and V for Vanessa.)

D: Where are you?

V: Café. Why?

D: I got the message from Angelo that you were not in school, and they have searched for you everywhere.

V: They should have asked Emma or Damien.

D: Why are not you in school?

V: Because I'm in the café. Duh!

D: You should have informed your brother.

V: Why?

D: So that we know you're safe.

V: You don't have to stress about my safety. I'm very much capable of taking care of myself.

D: Fine! But your school must be over by now. How are you going to come?

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