Chapter Fifty Two

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Two years after

"Seyu!" Jeongin called as he ran to the kitchen


"Stop shouting" Chan said

"Did you hid my phone?!" Jeongin shouted

"Why would I?"

"What's with the little commotion kiddos?" Dad asked and sat on his chair

"Good morning" Jisung greeted and sat beside Chan

"Heads up! It's your first day twins" Changbin said

"He is blaming me. I didn't even entered his room"

Jeongin glared at me "You were the only one who's capable of doing that"

Hyunjin entered and sat beside Changbin "Let's eat. You two will be late"

Minho went straight to his seat.

"Good morning" Felix greeted and sat beside me

"Where's Seungmin?"

"He went to school first. He has a lot of things to do" Chan answered

Jeongin annoyingly sat on th chair beside Jisung. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him. Why would I hide his phone? Like I care. He would always blame for the things I never did. I don't know if it's because of his puberty or it's just really part of him to annoy me.

"Chan keep an eye on your siblings" Dad

"No worries, Dad" Chan

"Just keep an eye on Seyu. I can take care of myself" Jeongin said

Acting like he is a real grown up and we were just in the same age. What the hell is wrong with him? I swear. He is getting on my nerves these past few months.

"Does anyone of you don't have class for the first subject?" Dad asked

Jisung and Hyunjin raised their hands at the same time. Ah, they are classmates again.

We all transferred to a new place and new school. Dad sold our house before because he said we need to start a fresh new life or else we will be stuck in the dark pasts. It's been two years but everything is still fresh on my mind. Zachary's sister, Zaira is now okay, she's free from cancer. Kevin, Xander and Tyler are all living happily and they are visiting us sometimes. My brothers' friends were all transferred to different schools and some stayed in their previous school. If you're all wondering about Beomgyu, he went to states and continued his studies there. He is with his family and I think he is doing good there.

"Okay, let's go" Changbin said and stood up

All of us kissed Dad on his cheeks and left the house. We got in the van, Jeongin and Changbin at the last row, me, Felix and Jisung at the second to the last, Hyunjin and Minho at the first row while Chan is sitting at the shotgun seat.

"I'll give you a tour" Jisung told me and kept fixing his hair

"I bet you're in the same class with Jeongin" Minho told me

"I'd rather not be in the same class with him"

"And you think I want to be in the same class with you?" Jeongin asked

"Heard that? Puberty is hitting him. He is hard to understand these past few months and it's annoying me"

"Stop fighting you two. You are already in college and let's have a positive first day" Changbin

"Oh, let them fight" Jisung said

Jisung is one of my problem as well. He kept telling them to let me and Jeongin fight. I don't know if he meant it as a good thing or not?

"We're here" Chan said

Paz is still our drive and Mary is still our cook. Both of them went with us because we are so used to them being at our side. 

We all got out of the van.

"We'll go" Minho messed up my hair and left

"You better slay on your first day" Chan winked at me and followed Minho

Felix sighed "I'll see you both later" he said and left while playing on his phone

"Jisung and Hyunjin will take care of you both" Changbin smiled at us and left as well

Jeongin crossed his arms "Jisung will go with me while Hyunjin-"

"He will go with you as well. I don't want to catch a lot of attention. I already received the email and I'll go there now. Good luck!"

I ran as fast as I can. I am completely aware of how famous they are. It's better if my life is far from attention like in senior high school. As much as I can, I will take care of myself and will not approach my brothers. Also, aside from studying I want to have fun with blind dates and more.

I went to the guidance councilor and took my schedule, key locker and i.d for the school gate. I went to my room which is really easy to find. Should I walk around first or go to my room already? Oh well. I better not be late but I still have 30 minutes before my first class.

"Junior students! Come here!" a girl shouted

I went there just like other students did. I stood there and waited for her to talk but I guess her microphone is broke.

"Be quiet and listen to me!" she shouted and looked at all of us "I am Faith, we have our rules here! There's different group like famous group, cheerleaders and varsity players, emo group, musical group, geeks and more. You better sign up with your chosen group or you will be kicked out"

"What the hell? How come-"

"Excuse me" a guy said while arranging his glasses

And I am sure he belong to geeks.

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