Chapter Seventy Seven

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He looked at me "Yoon Seyu, pull yourself together!"

Why do you always show up in this situation?

"Ya!" he shouted and went towards me "A-Are you okay? Why aren't you talking?"

"Yoon Seo-yeon!" Minho called as he entered the room

"What happened?!" Felix asked in a mad tone

"Did you do something to my sister?!" Hyunjin shouted and pulled his shirt

"H-He didn't do anything. I-It was Hyunki. He is forcing me to do something with him-"

"What?!" Minho shouted and punched Hyunki a lot of times

"Are you okay?" Changbin asked me and hugged me tight "Seyu"

"I-I'm fine"

"Did he touched you? Kissed you? What? Tell me!" Jeongin shouted

"He was about to do it but Hajun punched his face-"

"No wonder I hate him" Seungmin glared at Hyunki

"A lot of people is in the living room. We will take care of this mess" Jisung said

"How about you all?"

"We're fine. Mind yourself" Jeongin said

"Ya" Hyunjin called Hajun in a mad tone "Take her home. I'll trust you this time. Once you tried to do something to her. I will kill you"

"Stop with the threatening" Changbin

"We will talk to you later. Be safe" Minho

"Let's go" Hajun said and dragged me out of the room. We were about to go down when he stopped in front of another room "Wait here"

I nodded as answer and watched him enter the room. It's probably his room. There's a lot of people downstairs, I can still hear loud music and everything. I am losing my strength.

I almost shout when someone put a jacket on me.

"Let's go" Hajun said

He held my hand as we go downstairs. He is making a way for us to pass through easily. He is pushing everyone that tries to block our way. As we finally got out of the house, he opened Hyunki's car???

"Isn't this Hyunki's car?"

He nodded "Get in. I'll explain later"

I got in the car. He closed the door for me and he also got in. He started driving the car in high speed. Why is he even driving that jerk's car?

Damn. Now, everything became clear to my mind. How those guys from 2 years ago tried to do something to me. It became fresh again. The trauma I've been through. I also remembered how my brothers got into trouble because of me. Why is my life like this? Why do I feel like I am always making trouble?

"Yoon Seyu?" Hajun called


"I've been calling you for a lot of times" he said

"You do?"

"You..." he whispered


He handed me his handkerchief "Wipe you tears"

"My tears?"

"Hmm" he answered and looked away

I looked at the mirror and saw my tears. I quickly wiped it using his handkerchief and fixed my face. Why the hell didn't I felt my tears falling?

He parked the car somewhere and sighed "Now, you can cry. I'll go out and let you have some time alone"

"I'm fine"

"You aren't" Hajun

"I am"

He took a deep breath "If you feel something that makes you feel like you are worthless and useless. Just cry it out. You are not born to be useless and worthless. You are worth everything and anything. You are not useless, you just don't know what you are great at"


"Jisung told me about what happened. You almost died one time and it traumatized you. It traumatized everyone that made you all transfer to a new school and new place. You kept blaming yourself for everything that happens. Ya, it wasn't your fault. You never wanted to be hated by everyone nor be treated like that. Just remember this..." he said and looked through my eyes "While you are doing your best, some people will hate you and some will support you. It was their fault that they hate you and came up with a plan like that. I am sorry for what my brother did. He is a jerk. I am sure he knows it. I am always making him realize that he is. I'll make sure that he will kneel in front of you and will apologize for what he did"

"I-I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault. I told you. It was their fault that they kept putting you in trouble. Just ignore them and live your life happily" Hajun


"Stop with the drama. He is really a jerk. I bet Father will get mad at him for doing such" Hajun smirked

"Are you going to tell everyone?"

"No, just my Father. I just want him to be aware of Hyunki's wrongdoings. He did a lot of things and I let it slide. I won't let this one slide. Not anymore. He might do it over and over again" Hajun

I don't know if Hajun is being serious or what. His face wasn't showing any specific expression. He has the same face when he is mad, happy or sad.

He slammed the steering wheel and sighed heavily "I didn't even had the chance to eat all the marshmallows"


"A marshmallow should be eaten by the birthday celebrant" he said

"But you are not the birthday celebrant. It's Hyunki-"

He looked at me "What? I am your leader and you don't even know my birthday but you know someone's birthday? Wow. You just offended me"

"Wait- You mean?"

He rolled his eyes "It's my birthday today"

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