Chapter Ninety Four

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I sat on the couch as I watched them clean what I assigned to them. I wasn't expecting that they will do what I told them. I mean boys will be boys and I was sure they are going to complain why should they clean it.

"Aren't we going to help?" Snow

"Of course-"

"Good morning, Yoon family!" Ryujin shouted as she entered the door with Chaeryeong, Kai, Yuna, Taehyun

And Beomgyu...

"Oh, we have visitors" Changbin said

"Good morning, Snow" Chaeryeong greeted her

Snow vowed to them "Good morning, I am Yoon Snow"

"We know who you are, cutie" Yuna smiled at her

"They are our friends, Shin Ryujin, Lee Chaeryeong, Shin Yuna, Kang Taehyun, Huening Kai and Choi Beomgyu"

Snow shyly smiled at them and hid beside me "Tell them to sit down" she whispered to me

Our baby is shy.

"Sit down, said by Snow"

They all chuckled and sat down.

"What's with you brothers?" Yuna asked

"Oh, it's Snow's birthday tomorrow and I assigned them to clean. I am gonna clean the rooms"

"Where's Jeongin?" Ryujin

"Seriously Ryujin?" Chaeryeong

"I forgot where I assigned him you can just look around"

"Thanks" Ryujin stood up and ran to look for Jeongin

"We'll help at the back yard" Kai said and dragged Yuna with him

"I'll go help Chan" Chaeryeong said and went to the kitchen

"I'll help Jisung" Taehyun said and left as well

Now, it's just me and Beomgyu with Snow. Damn awkward.

"Hi" Beomgyu greeted


"So, are you gonna clean the rooms?" he asked

I nodded "Yup, with Snow"

"I'll help you two" Beomgyu

"Seyu, let's clean now" Snow said

The three of us went to the first room which is Chan. Of course, Beomgyu is changing the curtains, Snow is arranging the messy things while I am wiping and sweeping the floor. We went to Minho's room and did the same thing while talking about random things. Then, we went to Changbin's room and changed everything.

"Let's put pink there" Snow said and pointed at Changbin's bed

"Are you serious? Hahahaha" Beomgyu asked

Snow nodded and helped Beomgyu changed the bedsheet, pillow sheet and his blanket to light pink. Next is Hyunjin's room, this is the most messy one. We had a hard time cleaning everything since we doesn't know where to put those things we saa at the floor. Next is, Jisung's room, of course his instruments were kept at the corner, we also wiped it and changed everything that needed to change. Next is Seugmin's room, the cleaniest one. We just arranged his books, changed curtains, bedsheet, pillowsheet and blanket. Next is Jeongin's room, we also did the same thing, cleaned it and changed what needed to be changed. Lastly, my room...

"So, this is your room?" Beomgyu asked


"Did Hajun went here?" he asked and sat on my bed

"I'll just go downstairs" Snow said and left my room, she closed the door.


"No, I'm not letting anyone enter my room except for Snow and my brothers"

"Really? Then, I am the first outsider who entered your room? I'm glad" he smiled

Fuck it. Leave me aloneeee!!! Why am I nervous?! Help!!!

I started wiping the floor with rag "I-"

He is staring at me!!!!


"Nothing. Before, I am trying so hard not to reveal my feelings for you but now... I am free to say anything" he smiled and licked his lips-


"Ah-" I didn't even finished when I fell out of balance and landed on top of him!!!!

He smiled once again "You look pretty"


In just a few seconds, he is now on top of me!!!!

"So, this is how you look like under me" he chuckled but damn. IT SOUNDS SO SEXY AND I WANT TO DIE!!!

"Are you c-crazy?"

He kissed my lips "I missed it"

"Huh?! Leave me alone-"

"Seyu" Snow called

That's when I realized. The door is open and my brothers are there with Snow, EVEN MY FRIENDS.


"Sorry" Jisung said and carried Snow

"You can go down to eat dinner if you guys are finished" Changbin

"Continue" Felix

I saw my brothers and friends chuckling as they left and closed the door. I tried to get up but Beomgyu is pinning my wrist using all of his strength while staring at me.

"Let me go!"

"Didn't you heard it?" Beomgyu


"They said continue and go down when we are finish. Why do you suddenly want to go? We are not even starting" Beomgyu said and bit his lower lip as he breathed heavily

"Ya, Choi Beomgyu. What the hell are you thinking?"

He kissed my forehead "I missed you"


I pushed him as hard as I can and ran downstairs "Ya! Why are you all not getting mad when you saw him kissing me?! But you guys didn't talked to me when you just heard that Hajun and I kissed?!"

"You kissed Hajun two times and Beomgyu one time" Seungmin

"Seems like you enjoyed it" Chan

"And you're old enough. We realized getting mad at you won't change a thing. Unless, you want us to get mad at you?" Minho

"Besides, your first kiss went to a jerk who hurt you and left like nothing happened" Jeongin

"You're wrong" Beomgyu said as he entered the kitchen "I stole her first kiss"


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