Chapter Eighteen

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"Seyu.." It's Mom!

"Mom you came back" I smiled at her

"Yes baby. How's life?" she asked while combing my hair


"Is it hurting again?" she faced me with her worried eyes while she's holding my cheeks "It'll be fine, Seyu"

"Do I really have to experience this? I mean Mom I love them so much, and I understand them" my tears fell one by one

"They love you and understand you too Seyu. I'm not saying this because I'm giving Seungmin or them a favor. But what you did was wrong, Seyu. You should've not asked Seungmin in front of many people"

"I-I know I was wrong. But I can't help it, my feelings was hurt earlier. How can he be so worried about other girl's feelings?  How about me?" I tried avoiding her eyes

"Baby try to understand them more. Your brothers wishes to have a younger sister. Do you know how thankful they are to have you and Jeongin?" she smiled at me while wiping my tears "Even though I don't exist in your world, I'm always by your side. I love you and your brothers so much"

"M-Mom come back"

"I can't. You know that. I love you, take care always. Please take care of your brothers too, especially your Dad" she wiped my tears again and walked away


I carefully opened my eyes and look around.

"Finally!" Younghoon smiled

"H-Huh? What am I doing here?"

"You stupid girl. Are you trying to kill yourself? You are about to die if the car didn't stop. Lucky you the car stopped and you passed out. The driver called me and told me that he brought you to the hospital. What's your problem?!" Younghoon look mad


"Nothing? Then why would you kill yourself?!!" he looks cute when he is mad

"You look cute" I giggled

"Aghh!!! Stop! Just fucking answer my question!" Younghoon

"I just had an argument with my brothers"

he looked at me "Is it about me again? I mean I'm the reason why you and your brother Seungmin argued that night"

"No, you are not the reason. Don't worry everything's going to be fine" I smiled at him

"How about a power hug? I bet you need one" he smirked and went to me, he hugged me so tight "Everything's going to be fine, Seyu. I'm here, always. I won't leave you"

"Ey! Stop the drama! I told you I'm fine" I let go first

"That's not a drama. I'm telling you the truth" he smiled and pinched my nose

"Thank you for taking care of me" I smiled

"No worries. By the way your brothers-"

"What?! Did you called them?!"

"Not yet, I'm about to do that 15 minutes ago but you woke up" he smiled

"Don't call them please. Let them live their life without worrying about me"

he sighed "When will this fight will end? I mean they are your brothers I'm sure you can't be mad at them for so long"

"Yeah, actually I'm not mad. I'm just feeling guilty about what happened earlier"

"What happened?" Younghoon

"Chan, Seungmin and Hyunjin are assigned to observe today in our class Minho, Changbin, Jisung tagged along. Until the reporters are asking all of us, I answered the question. But the secretary didn't answered the same question that I answered before her. Everyone laughed at her then suddenly Seungmin told us that we shouldn't laugh at her because it will hurt her feelings. Like fuck? How can he be so worried about someone's feelings when he didn't think of what I am going to feel about what he said to me?" I smirked

"Then what happened?" Younghoon is quietly listening

"I asked him that question. How can he be so worried about other's feelings when he didn't if what his sister felt when he said those words"

"You are wrong but right at the same time. You are right cause you have a point he didn't think of your feelings. You are wrong because you asked him in front of many people. They will going to think that Seungmin is a bad brother to his sister" Younghoon

"I know that's why I'm guilty. I want to say sorry but I can't I just want to make myself calm first. Chan and I fought earlier because I felt that he is defending Seungmin so..."

"I may not know their personalities but I bet they are nice and they love you so much" he smiled at me

"That's what Mom told me"

"Really? Ah by the way can you tell their personalities one by one? In right order I mean oldest to youngest" Younghoon

"Okay. Chan is the eldest and the most jolly and the sweetest. Minho is the strictest one if he said we need to go home then we should go home. Changbin is the typical brother sweet sometimes and sometimes he doesn't care. Hyunjin is a quiet person he loves reading books. Jisung loves flirting with every girls but he has high standards. Felix is a quiet one but he is really sweet, his hobby is fighting. Seungmin is the coldest one he loves reading books too. Then Jeongin and me are twins. Jeongin is the oldest between us. He is the most sweetest and annoying brother as hell. He loves taking care of me on his own way"

"Wow they are all different" Younghoon

"Yeah, and fuck. It's hard everyday when there are many girls will go around you asking about your brothers" I rolled my eyes

"Well you are lucky. You have a lot of fortune" he winked

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