Chapter Forty Eight

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We were waiting for Mary and Paz to come. They are our guardians for the mean time since Dad isn't home yet.

I was glaring at Park Ann for the whole time.

Park Ann's Dad was here. Same with Marco, Adrian and Gavin. Only Zachary doesn't have a guardian.

"Can you please stop glaring at me?" Park Ann asked while raising her eyebrow

Jeongin held my shoulder to calm me down.

Someone knocked on the door.

"That must be your guardian" principal said

Jisung opened the door since he was beside it.

"D-Dad" Jisung looks so shocked

"What?" I asked and looked at the guy who entered

"What's happening here?" It's Dad

"Mr. Yoon, I'm glad you came. Your children was lying they told us that you are on Australia" principal smiled

"They are not lying. I came home from Australia because of my business there" Dad said

Lee Se-young went to me and covered me with Dad's jacket.

"So, let's start" the principal said and sat on her chair

"How about we say our side now?" Seungmin said

"That was so disrespectful of you" principal said

"Do you know what's more disrespectful? Being blinded by their money. Now, that my father is here I don't think you can do that. I am the school president and do you think I have no idea of what you are doing behind that smiling face? Well, I've always wanted to reveal everything Ms. Principal" Seungmin smiled and crossed his arms

"Se-young" Dad called Se-young

"Yes, sir?" Se-young

"Let them in" Dad said

Se-young opened the door and it was two police who entered the room.

"Why are they here?" Mr. Park asked

"Can you please tell them about the evidences you have?" Dad asked

"These are the videos and photos of the incident on prom ball night" the police officer said and put down the phone in front of them "They are named Miguel and Carl. They are working under the name of Ms Park Ann. She promised to pay them double if they are going to get rid of Seo-yeon. Luckily, Beomgyu saw them and tried to save Seo-yeon. They were too strength and they knocked down Beomgyu. They brought them to an abandoned house. Carl went out to buy ramyeon while Miguel fell asleep because he's drunk. Seo-yeon quickly called his brother named Seungmin. She told them they were kidnapped, and even told them to follow the gps of her phone. Carl arrived and started the torture of the two. Miguel tried to rape Seo-yeon but Beomgyu quickly stopped them. So they started beating Beomgyu nonstop when Seo-yeon saw that her feet are not tied. She was about to think of a plan that will help them get out of there. She saw Carl was about to stab Beomgyu, Seo-yeon quickly ran so they accidentally stabbed Seo-yeon and that's when we arrived"

"T-That's not true!" Park Ann shouted

"What does that have to do with us? What matters now is the fight between Zachary and your son" principal said to Dad

"Do you think we gave you those evidences to fool you guys? Zachary was involved in this case" Dad

"What?" principal asked

"Zachary was the one who asked my daughter to be his prom date. Because Park Ann planned everything from the start. Some students said that my daughter is with Zachary, they went outside before she went missing" Dad

"The reasons why my brother attacked Zachary and his friends it is because of what he did to my sister! How come you're so fucking stupid to know us about anything or any reason?! Fucking stupid!" Jisung shouted and punched the wall behind him

"Is it true?" principal asked Zachary

"You can't ask someone who is guilty" Se-young smirked

"How rude of you miss, to smirked in front of the principal. Just so you know you are inside my school and my office" the principal glared at Se-young "Who are you to talk? You're not even related to them!"

"How rude of you too to talk to me like that. You're going to end your job right here and right now. Just so you know too, miss. I am going to be their Mom, so will you please shut your mouth?" Se-young smirked at her

That's my soon to be Mom-



"Here is the warrant of arrest"the police said and gave them the paper

"You can't bring my daughter with you!" Mr. Park shouted

"No! Let go of me!" Park Ann said

Zachary looked at me.

"Let's go" the other police said and held Zachary

"Wait!" I said and stopped the police

"What is it?" Dad asked

"I need to talk to him" I said

"Are you crazy?!" Jisung shouted

"Just trust me, please" I begged

"Please, Dad. This won't take long, I promise" I smiled

"Okay, but one officer should follow you" Dad said

"Dad!" Felix shouted

"Go on" Dad said and smiled at me

Zachary, one officer and me went to the rooftop near the principal's office.

The officer is at the rooftop's door.

"What is it?" Zachary asked

"I heard from Carl and Miguel about your sister" I started

"So, what?" Zachary

"She has a disease and if Park Ann didn't pay the hospital. The medication will stop and she will be stucked there" I said

"W-What?" Zachary

"I just want you to know, that I'm willing to help your sister. I will talk to my father about this one. I know you did all of that because of her. I understand you, Zachary" I smiled

I saw tears falling from his eyes "I-I'm sorry. Forgive me, please"

"I already forgave you" I smiled and touched his cheeks

"S-Seyu, I'm sorry I was so desperate for my sister's medication. I want her to live, I can't lose her. I don't want to her to die. Please help her, I am willing to confess everything. Just please help my sister to live" Zachary said and kneeled in front of me

I kneeled too. So, I can face him.

"I am going to help, I promise" I said and smiled

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