Chapter Eighty Four

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She pouted and pointed at her lips "Here"

Damn. Why the fuck am I still alive? Like why? I hope someone will kidnap me now. LIKE RIGHT NOW.

"Really?!" Jisung shouted excitedly

"I guess Jisung and I won" Seungmin said and continued reading his book

"Stop with the fucking voting for her boyfriend wannabe!" Hyunjin shouted

"Why?" Seungmin

Hyunjin stood up and glared at me "I should've known. How come you are in a secret relationship with him? He didn't even courted you! Didn't even asked!"

Now, I am getting scared. I should run for my life. Should I be thankful that Seungmin and Jisung are on my side? How about Chan and Changbin? Felix? Help.

"I'm getting annoyed" Minho rolled his eyes and sighed heavily "Since when?"

"Y-Yesterday, h-he just told me that we are going to date. T-Then..."

"Then?!" Jeongin

"He kissed me-"

Jisung dropped the mug "What?! You two started yesterday and he kissed you two times?! What the fuck?!"

"Now, I'm regretting my vote" Seungmin

"Beomgyu didn't even kissed you! Not even once!" Minho

"I'm speechless" Chan

"And I am out" Changbin took his bag and left the house

"Kids! We have to go. You are all going to be late" Paz said as he got out of the kitchen "What's with the faces?"

"I'm gonna ride my motorcycle" Felix

"Me too" Hyunjin

"I'm sorry to say this but your motorcycles were sent to be cleaned. Your Father told me, so I did" Paz

They all annoyingly sighed and left the house. I knew it. They aren't going to talk to me nor looked at me. They will kept saying things and will refer to me.


"Yes?" she looked at me with those innocent face

How am I supposed to tell her? How am I supposed to scold her? Damn. I wish I could.

"Nothing, I'll go now. Enjoy" I smiled at her and left the house, I got in the van but I am the only one sitting on the first row.

"Here we go!" Paz said and started driving the van

Everyone is quiet as fuck and it's bothering me. I never thought having my very first boyfriend will make them this mad. They kept voting earlier and look like they are so supportive but they suddenly changed. It's not easy to tell them and it's not going to be easy for them to understand let me.

To: Hajun

Don't let my brothers see you.

From: Hajun


To: Hajun

You are dead. Snow saw you KISSING ME ON MY LIPS. She told everyone about it. YOU ARE DEAD. REALLY DEAD.

From: Hajun

You scared? Do you think I will run away? I'll take full responsibility of that kiss or do you want me to take responsibility of something else? I am always ready, baby.

"Something else?!"

"I don't understand why someone isn't ashamed of texting her boyfriend when everyone is mad at her?" Hyunjin asked them

I know he is referring to me. I am the only girl here.

"This is so annoying" Jisung

"Can we all not talk about that?" Felix

"Let's just stay quiet" Minho

"I hate the atmospehere" Jeongin

"Shut up, all of you" Seungmin said

"Paz, can you stop the van here?"

"Why?" Paz

"I have to go somewhere"

"Are you sure?" Paz asked


Paz parked the car in front of the cafe. I quickly got out of the car and closed the door. I started walking as I took out my phone.

calling Hajun...

[Miss me-]


[What's wrong with you? Your voice? Are you okay? Where are you?]

"I am walking to the school-"

[Why?! It's so hot!]

He ended the call. Is he mad? Gosh. I'm so fucked up. What am I supposed to do? Everyone is getting mad at me.

"Seyu?" a voice called

I looked behind me and saw Younghoon "Y-You? Aren't you staying in states?"

"I came home two weeks ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I lost my old phone. Why are you here?" Younghoon

"We moved near Spring Hill University, to forget everything that happened in my previous school"

"Why? What happened? How's Beomgyu? Jeongin? Your brothers?" Younghoon

"My brothers are kinda mad at me. I know why and I understand them but I feel so down. I feel bad for not telling them"

He smiled "Your brothers are probably just caring for you. They know what is right for you, they are not getting mad at you for no reason. Remember what happened back then, it was so wrong of us to ran away"

"I don't know how to face them now. I just hope they are not that mad or what. I want to explain earlier but I was scared and forgot what I want to say"

"Try talking to them later" Younghoon

"I will"

"Can I get your number? I want to at least keep in touch with you. Also, we can hangout when you're free" Younghoon gave me his phone

I nodded and inserted my number and saved it as Seyuuu. I gave it back to him "It's been so long since we last talked to each other"

"Yup, I missed you. Also, I have a lot of things to tell you" Younghoon smiled

"What is it?"

"Before I left, I wanted to talk to you in person and thank you but I became worried that I might choose to stay with you if ever I talk to you. So, I just watched you from afar for one week and left when I am ready" Younghoon

"So, you mean you stayed for one week and went to states?"

Younghoon nodded and smiled "It was hard to go knowing that I am slowly falling for you"


Someone wrapped his arm on my waist "I'm sorry but this girl is already taken"


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