Chapter Forty Four

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"We're just going to come back" a guy said

"Thank you, officer" It's Seungmin

"This is our duty, you don't have to worry. We're still in process of asking questions to our suspect" the Officer said

"Tell us if they already said something" Minho

"We asked Beomgyu some questions, but he said he didn't heard anything suspicious. Seyu wake him up, I think Seyu knows something. We will appreciate it if you're going to call us as possible" Officer

"We will" Minho

"We'll go now" Officer said and left the room

I knew it. We're going to be saved by them.

"Zachary might know something" I heard Felix

"He will die if he is involve in this case" Minho

"Don't you think it's suspicious that he asked our sister be his prom date? Knowing that Seyu is not his type" Seungmin

"I'm thinking the same" Changbin

"I will fucking kill him!" I heard Hyunjin shouted

I heard footsteps.

"Don't even dare Hyunjin" It's Chan

"Let him go, Chan! Let him kill Zachary! I'm pretty sure he's involve here!" Jeongin shouted

"Let me go, Chan" Hyunjin's voice was so scary

"No, let's not make decisions on our own. Let's wait for Seyu to wake up" Chan

"What matters now is Seyu. She needs us, she needs her strength. We have to stay here until she get out of this hospital" Changbin

"Let's not give her stress" Seungmin

I'm scared that if I open my eyes they might do something that will put them in danger.

Zachary needs money that's why he did that to me.

But, why me?

I want to ask him.

"She's sleeping for two days. How can I sleep for another night without knowing who did that to my sister?!" Hyunjin shouted

I am sleeping for two days?!

"Hyunjin, that's why we're waiting for Seyu to wake up" Jisung

"I can't fucking wait! I want to know who did that to my sister! We didn't even dared to hurt her not even once! How come someone did this to her?!" Hyunjin shouted

He was crying.

Hyunjin is crying.

"Hyunjin, calm down..." Jeongin said

"Did you heard what Beomgyu said?! Seyu almost got raped by those guys?! Do you know how hurt is for me?!! I can't even fucking move and fucking say anything when I heard that from Beomgyu! It hurts knowing that my sister experienced those which she doesn't deserve!" Hyunjin shouted while crying

"Do you think it doesn't hurt for me?! I'm the oldest! I was supposed to be guiding and guarding you all! I was supposed to be with her that time since she's the only girl! But where am I that time?! When she got kidnapped?! I didn't even know that something bad will happen to her! I was so stupid for letting her go that night!" Chan shouted and started crying too

"You guys, no one wants this to happen. Maybe this was all a coincidence that no one was there with her when she got kidnapped" Jisung

"Let's not fight. We have to be together no matter what happen. We have to know who did this and what is her or his purposed" Changbin

I need to talk to them.

I can't just listen to them blaming their selves and fighting...

I slowly opened my eyes.

"S-Seyu?" Jeongin called and ran to my side "Are you okay?"

"I am" I smiled

"Stupid!" Jeongin said and started crying too "Why did you let them hurt you?! Why did you let them do that to you?!"

They all went to us.

"I am sorry for worrying you guys" I said

"It doesn't matter. Are you okay now?" Minho asked

"I am, I didn't even feel any pain" I teased

But no one was laughing.

"We don't have time for your jokes, Seyu. You were seriously injured. You might lose your blood if we didn't come" Changbin

"I know, I am sorry" I whispered and pouted

"What happened?" Felix asked

"We came there you're unconscious and your gown has blood on it. Beomgyu was full of blood and bruise" Chan

"Explain everything to us, or if you still can't. You can just tell us what you remember" Seungmin

"Z-Zachary, he said he's going to show something to me. I told him I can't go because Hyunjin will come back any time. He said we're going to come back after so I went with him outside. He started saying sorry and then a guy pulled me inside the car. Luckily, Beomgyu heard me screaming for help but he was stabbed by Miguel. They took him with us, and I passed out too. I woke up and Carl was driving the car while Miguel was in the backseat with us. When he saw me woke up Miguel quickly punched my stomach until I passed out. I woke up and I chose not to open my eyes I heard Miguel and Carl talking. The boss was a girl but they never mentioned her name once. Carl know me and our family. He knows that I'm the youngest Yoon. Carl went out while Miguel fell asleep. I quickly wake up Beomgyu and told him about my plan to open the gps and call you guys. He opend my gps and called Seungmin. But Carl arrived and caught us. Miguel tried to rape me but Beomgyu jumped to him. Miguel was so mad and started beating Beomgyu to death. When I saw my feet has doesn't have rope tied. I quickly started thinking a plan but I saw them preparing a knife to kill Beomgyu. I quickly ran and covered Beomgyu and then I heard a siren. So, I knew we are going to be saved" I explained to them

"I will kill them" Hyunjin whispered

This is what I'm scared of.

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