Chapter Sixty Nine

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I entered the van and saw them all sitting quietly inside "Good morning"

Even though I am kind of mad, I don't want to be rude. They are still my brothers and I understand that they are just trying to protect me. After what happened to me back then is really traumatizing. Still, Hajun doesn't seem like that tye of person.

"Are we good to go?" Paz asked

"Yup" Chan said

"No, I'll just ride the motorcycle" Hyunjin said and quickly got out of the van

"Me too" Felix said and also got out of the van

Minho didn't say anything and got out of the van "Go on"

Jisung also left the van and looked at me "I'm not mad or anything, okay? I just need to go somewhere before I go to school. I love you!" he kissed my forehead and entered the garage, following Minho, Hyunjin and Felix.

"Let's go" Changbin said

Paz started driving the van.

"They are so childish" Seungmin whispered

"I agree. How can they act like that? I mean we should also respect Seyu's freedom. She's already a college student, also Hajun is Hyunki's brother" Jeongin

"You guys, stop talking like that. They were just being protective. Even I, I don't want Seyu to go near Hajun but I can't just control her just because I am the eldest. We all know what happened last time she trusted a guy. She got into an accident and we know how traumatizing it is for everyone. She also have her own freedom. He is Hyunki's brother, but even his own brother is trying to ruin his image to everyone. We don't know the truth" Chan

"Seyu" Changbin called


"I hope you understand them. We are just protecting you. If you trust Hajun, then okay. We won't stop you from being friends with him. We just hope you are just friends with him, nothing more. I'll try to talk to them" Changbin

I nodded and smiled "Thank you"

The car finally arrived at school, I got out first not far from the entrance. I started walking and entered the school not looking at everyone. I went straight to the classroom but no one was there. I sighed and turned around and saw Hyunki.


"Hi" he smiled


"Are you free? We don't have class for today due to some announcement for every groups. So..." Hyunki

"Ah really?"

He nodded "I was just wondering if you are free?"


"No, she's not" Hajun said and stood beside me while hands inside his pocket "She has things to do with me"

"Your group-" Hyunki

"I am the leader. I get to decide for my member" Hajun smirked and started walking "Seyu"


"Are you just going to stand there?" he asked

I shook my head "Go on"

"Make it fast, will you? I hate waiting" Hajun

He is being an ass again!! I thought we are good friends now. How come he suddenly acted so cold last night and turned into a jerk now?

"I need to go" I said and quickly followed Hajun


"Don't you have any ideas?"

He didn't answered.

It's been almost 10 hours since we went here. YES, 10 HOURS. We just ordered food for breakfast, lunch and now dinner. 


It's already 7pm yet he is not giving me any ideas for what to do on the foundation and welcome day for junior students including seniors. He is sleeping for 10 fucking hours and will wake up when we are about to eat. Other students already went home and some rooms are closed. I just hope it's not only us here.


"Hush" he whispered

"What the fuck" I sighed and rested my head on the table

I want to go home. My brothers are going to get mad at me for staying in one room with Hajun for straight 10 hours. They are already mad but it will get worse.

"I got it" he said and opened his eyes and looked at me "A cafe"

"What?! Are you being serious?! You were thinking for 10 hours when you are obviously sleeping and will tell me that a cafe is your idea?! Shut up"

"I am your leader. Stop shouting" he rolled his eyes

"Your brother is taking care of the forms. I can easily tell him-"

"As if he will listen to you" Hajun

"If I know, he is interested in me"

"Yeah, and that makes me want to steal you from him" Hajun


"Just to annoy him" he smirked and stood up

"Whatever. So, your plan. What are we supposed to do with a cafe?"

He crossed his arms like a professional CEO "Of course, I hsve experience and that will make them fall in love with me not just the products. Also, you will be assisting the students while I do all the work"


"That's it. We just need to make some props for the design of this room. We have to go here early in the morning tomorrow before the program starts" Hajun

"What?! Tomorrow is the foundation day!? Yet here we are, getting ready the day before?! What the hell is wrong with you? I should've joined your brother's group"

"As if. Let's meet tomorrow 5 am for the things we need to buy since we have some decorations here already" he said and went straight to the door and tried to open it

What a jerk.

I started arranging my things-

"Y-Yoon Seyu" he called


"T-The door is locked" Hajun


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