Chapter Six

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"I knew it" I whispered while covering my tummy

"Seyu! Here!" Yuna waved both of her hands

I hurriedly ran to them. I feel they're still looking at me. Yuna hugged me and looked at my body.

"Don't" I said to Yuna because she keeps on removing my hands to my tummy

"What? You meed to remove you hands! You have a good body" she winked and successfully removed my hands

"This is embarrassing. Everyone's eyes is on me!"

"It's because you have a good body and a beautiful face" she smiled

"Wow you look nice!" Kai said I mouthed 'thank you'

"She's beautiful, right Beomgyu?" she asked my best friend

"Y-Yeah. I think so" he answered

"Eh? Stupid answer Beomgyu" she rolled her eyes "What you think Taehyun?"

"Amazing! She looks like a model" Taehyun answered and smiled at me

"See! Everyone kept on saying that you're beautiful with that swimsuit" she held my hand "Let's swim"


We had a race with Taehyun and Kai. Kai is my partner while Yuna's partner is Taehyun. We won on the first round. They won on the second round. In the third We keep on having a tie. So we decided to stop it.

"I'll get some drinks" Yuna said and ran away with Kai and Taehyun

"Hey! What do you think you're wearing?" Jeongin asked while raising his eyebrows

"It's a swimsuit. What do you think?"

"Whatever Seyu. I bet the others will scold you" he laughed "Seungmin, Felix, and Hyunjin will scold you later"

"Seyu what's with your swimsuit?" Jisung asked and sat beside me

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it ugly?"

"It's not. But as your brother you should not show your skin to everyone. Even though we are on a beach" he looked around "Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin wants to scold you but they can't because you're with your friends"

"What about Chan?" Jeongin asked

"I don't know what is his problem. He keeps on telling us to let you wear what you want" Jisung said


"As expected. Chan is on your side" Jisung

"Where is Chan?" Seungmin asked us

"I think he went inside" Jisung answered

"Seyu" Seungmin called me

"H-Huh? Why?"

"Hyunjin and Felix wants to talk to you" he said and left

Fvck. I knew it. They will scold me.

"How about Changbin? Chan? and Minho?" Jeongin asked

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