Chapter Sixteen

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I can't forget what Younghoon told me last night!! ARGHHH! I'm fucking blushing! What the hell...

"Hey girl" It's Jeongin smirking

"What now?"

"Nothing I just want to know how's your day my lovely sister?" Jeongin

"Argh stop. It's disgusting. I think it'll going to be fine" I answered and about to walk until I saw my brothers waiting outside of my classroom. I quickly dragged Jeongin to hide behind the wall

"What the? Now my shirt looks like a mess" Jeongin rolled his eyes

"Just fucking shut your mouth"

"What is your problem? Why would you drag me like that?! Argh" Jeongin

"Because they are waiting outside of my classroom" I pouted

"So what? Hey just because they didn't see you now that doesn't mean they're not going to see you later. Don't you remember? They are studying here too" Jeongin

"But still-"

"Stop hiding Seyu. Of course they are worried about you, don't you think it's too much to hide just because your mad? We are you brothers and we need to know if you are doing fine" Jeongin

"Stop scolding me"

"I am not scolding you. I just want you to realize that what you are doing is not right" Jeongin

"Then what should I do?"

"You should show yourself to them" Jeongin

"Then what? They are going to ask me where I am staying, they are going to know that I am staying with a guy named Younghoon in my apartment?!"

"Wait- What?!! You are staying with Younghoon?! What do you think you are doing?!" Jeongin is really mad right now

"Hey don't get mad"

"What? You don't want me to get mad at you. What the fuck? You are staying with a guy in one fucking roof. You are a girl Seyu!" Jeongin

Fuck. Jeongin is really mad right now. I think Seungmin is right, I'm the only girl yet I'm giving them so much problems.

"I'm sorry. Younghoon is a nice guy"

"I don't care if he is a nice guy or something! Go home or make him leave that apartment" Jeongin

"What? But he has no place to go, I can't make him leave"

"Then go home. Don't wait for me to tell the others about this" Jeongin said and walked away

What the hell is going on. Arghhh! Don't mind that problem Seyu, you're going to be fucking late! I don't care whether they are going to see me or not. I can't be late! I quickly ran faster but my brothers already saw me. Great Seyu.

"E-Excuse me" I said trying to enter the room but they are not giving me a way "I'm going to be late. Please excuse me"

"Okay, sorry" It's Seungmin, I know it's him.

I quickly left them. Fuck How they can laugh like that? Hell.

I went to my seat and the teacher entered the room with a smile.

"Good morning class" she greeted

"Good morning miss" we all greeted back

"I guess it's a lucky day for all of you girls cause there are some handsome  boys who are going to observe today" teacher smiled

"Oh my gosh! I hope it's your brothers" girl behind me said

"Yeah I hope too" the girl beside me

"Not them please" I whispered

"Come in" as soon as the teacher said, they all entered one by one "So I guess you all know them"

All the girls inside the room screamed so loud. What the hell? They are not some famous actors, why would they scream like that? Fuck these girls.

"Calm down everyone" the teacher giggled and smiled at us "Hyunjin, Seungmin and Chan are going to observe us today. But their brothers wants to observe too, so.. I hope you guys will participate today" the teacher smiled

They all went to the seats where observers are sitting always. Argh why does it have to be today?

"Seyu how does it feel that the class you are in is going to be observe by your brothers?" did she just fucking asked me?! Arghhh! No! I stood up quietly

"I-It's nice?" I bit my lower lip

"Hmm well I think it's going to be fun, since your brothers are all fun to be with" the teacher smiled at me

Why is she complimenting them so much? Does she like one of my brothers? Well I'm sure it's one of the three Minho and Chan. She is 2 years older than them.

"So reporters for today. Come to the front and start" teacher

"Miss, Choi Beomgyu is absent" girl in the front

"Huh? Why?" teacher

I stood up again "He is not feeling well since yesterday" I answered and sat again

"Class officers, will you please guide our observers for today?" teacher

Class officers went to my brothers. Argh!! And there's this one girl I hate so much. She's such a flirt.

The reporters started...

We're all listening or it's just them? I can't fucking focus.

"We're going to ask some questions" the reporter said and they started looking at the class records for our names "Yoon Seo-yeon"

I stood up. How many times do I have to stand up?! Argh.

"What are the two types of intimacy?" reporter 2

"Emotional and Physical"

"More answer please" reporter 1

"Emotional is all about to be loved by someone, then Physical is all about passionate"

"That's right" reporter 3

I sat down. They asked many questions and some of them didn't answer right.

"Park Ann" reporter 3

It's our class secretary. She stood up, by the way she is sitting beside Hyunjin.

"What are the two types of intimacy? What are they about?" reporter 2

"U-Uh.." fuck. Hahahahahaha this is lit.

"Why can't you answer those questions Park Ann? Seyu already answered the questions, you just need to repeat" reporter 3

"She have the looks but she has no brain!!" classmate 1

"What is she good at?" classmate 2

"She is good at flirting! Look, she sat beside Hyunjin. Because she think she can easily fool him hahaha. Poor girl" classmate 3

They all laughed. I want to laugh but I'm not in the mood.

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