Chapter Sixty One

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I am currently sitting here in the van, waiting for my brothers. It's been almost half an hour since I sat here. I wonder what the hell are they doing this fucking hour.

"Minho is coming" Paz said while paying attention to his phone

I saw Minho coming towards the van. Our driver really knows who will come first and last. He knows us very well.

"I'm sorry" Minho apologized and sat beside me

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

Minho shrugged his shoulder and closed his eyes as he rested his head on the window.

"Changbin" Paz said

Changbin yawned as he entered the van "Good morning, Seyu" he greeted and sat at the second row

"Then, Seungmin" Paz

Seungmin is wearing earphones and his eyes looks so tired. He entered the van and sat at the last row and slept.

"Next is Jeongin" Paz

Jeongin is typing on his phone while yawning so wide. He smiled at me and sat beside Changbin, he also joined him in his dream land.

"Hyunjin" Paz

Hyunjin entered the van and sat beside me "Good morning"

"Chan" Paz

Chan sat beside Seungmin at the back and continued his sleep. Like how the hell he has the guts to drink when he is assigned early in the morning to do some tasks in school?

"Felix" Paz

Felix sat beside Jeongin and slept as soon as he sat down.

"Good morning!" Jisung greeted with a smile as he sat beside Chan at the last row

"You guys did had some fun last night" Paz said and started driving the van to Spring Hill University

I sighed as I looked at them all sleeping, except for Jisung and Hyunjin "What the hell are you guys doing? You know we have classes today"

"Jisung wanted to drink" Hyunjin said

"But he didn't drank, not even one bottle" Chan

"What?! No! I never told you guys to drink. It's Jeongin who wanted to drink" Jisung

Jeongin is sleeping quietly beside Changbin.

Minho tapped my shoulder "Seyu"


He quickly leaned his head on my shoulder and slept.

"Let's not blame anyone. No matter who started it, the thing is, we all agreed to drink" Chan said while his eyes were still close

"Hyunjin, aren't you going to sleep? You are not yet sleeping" Felix said

"What? You are not yet sleeping?!"

Hyunjin nodded "I'm not sleepy"

"Still! What if you suddenly pass out?! What if you-"

"Fine. I'll sleep now" Hyunjin said and closed his eyes

How can they all be so hard headed? Liek what the fuck is wrong with them? The more they age, the more they are being so hard headed. They should be thinking much mature now. Agh..

After almost 10 minutes, we finally arrived in front of the coffee shop.

"I'll go down first. You can drop them off in front of Spring Hill"

They were looking at me with tired eyes. I sighed and got out of the van trying to be careful. I closed the door and watched it drove away.

I started walking to the University. I don't know if I am late or not. I just don't want to sweat before I even arrive there. I saw some students of Spring Hill University are all walking as well. After 3 minutes, I arrived at the University. I went straight to my classroom and saw my classmates are all having their own world. I ran and sat where I was assigned to sit, beside Hajun..

"Good morning" I greeted Junseo

He looked at me and smiled "Good morning, do you want some?"

I nodded and ate one piece of his food "Thanks. Did you cooked this?"

"My Mom did. By the way, once your group is introduced to all of the students. That means we can't talk to each other anymore" Junseo

"Is that why you are talking to me now?"

Junseo shrugged his shoulder "The thing is, I want to warn you about Hajun"

"Huh? Why?

"He almost killed someone from his previous school. No one knows the exact reason but he is really dangerous. If Jeong Hyunki is the kind one, he is the opposite one" Junseo

"That's impossible"

"What do you mean? Everyone knows how dangerous he is. He almost killed his own brother too" Junseo

I understand if he hates Hyunki, but almost killed him? That's way too much. No matter how mad he is, he shouldn't be attempting to do that. I pity Hyunki for getting the rude actions of Hajun when he deserves better. But who knows? Hyunki probably did something wrong that made Hajun mad.

"I'm not stopping you to be friends with him. You just need to be careful or he might do the same to you" Junseo

Is he being serious? There's no way Hajun would do that to his brother. I mean, he can get mad, act rude and acr cold to Hyunki but I don't think he tried to hurt Hyunki.

"You must be getting the wrong information"

"No, I heard it from one of his close friend" Junseo

What to do? I think he really mean it. What if Hajun is changing? What if he realized all the wrong things he did to everyone. I think Hajun is a-

"You really should be careful of that guy" Junseo said

"Should be careful of whom?" a guy asked, he took off his cap and it showed Hajun "Are you talking about me?"

This is not good.

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