Chapter Thirty

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Kevin came home carrying some ingredients that the maids need for tonight's dinner.

I nodded at him as a sign that our plan should start now since my brothers are not here.

He went to the kitchen to give the maids those ingredients.

"Dad, can I buy some books?" I asked him

"But it's 6pm, you can't go alone" he said

The plan is going how it should be.

"I can go with her, if you want" Kevin

"Really?" Dad

Nari went to the living room.

"Can I bring Kevin with me? I'll just buy some books and school supplies. Dad won't let me go alone" I said

"S-Sure, but make sure you'll come back after" Nari

"Yup! No problem with that" I smiled

"Don't worry, I trust my daughter so they will come home right after" Dad smiled

I just carried my small bag with me.

We went inside the car.

"Paz, please don't tell Dad that we're going to Nari's house. We just need to find something" I said

"No problem, I got your back" Pas answered

Kevin told Paz their address and where should they turn..

He taught him the way.

Paz drove as fast as he can.

He parked the car on the side.

"We'll come back, wait for us" I said

"Yup" Paz

We went inside their house.

It's not that big compared to our house. I think it's because they are not a big family compared to us.

"In her room" he said

We went upstairs where her room is.

I saw their family picture on the wall.

"That's your Dad?" I asked

"Yeah" he answered and started to find the documents

"What is it look like?" I asked

"Dark blue folder" he answered

I started searching on the other side. I opened her closet and searched on his clothes one by one.

I pulled up her bed and saw nothing. I looked on his side table, there's some receipt. But I don't think that is.

"I can't fucking find it" Kevin said out of frustration and sat on the bed

"We're going to search for it no matter what happens" I said

I went to the picture frame that I saw earlier. They look like an ordinary happy family.

Tyler was so young here.

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