Chapter Ten

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Cate turned to face the woman who was sleeping peacefully beside her. The expression on her face screamed solace. The small lines on her face bore witness to how she had lived a life of glory and laughter, and Cate wondered if she had contributed to those lines. Was she able to make Sandra happy? She looked at her again, pushing those thoughts away. It had been years since they had been this close. She hadn't had the opportunity to admire and stare at Sandra while she slept in years. Staring at her lover had always been a habit - she used to do it before, and the prospect of doing it again exhilarated Cate. Sandra had always been her source of comfort. Sandra slowly moved as she brushed away some loose hair that was covering her face. Her eyes fluttered open, but she quickly closed them again. Sandra threw an arm around Cate instead of waking up. She hugged her, then buried her face in Cate's neck.

"Wake up, honey." Cate whispered, rubbing Sandra's back while slowly planting kisses on her head.

Sandra stirred and buried herself even more at Cate's neck. Cate smiled when she felt her slowly kissing her neck. She pushed herself out from Sandra's draping arm and lifted her head so she could look at her. Sandra had a smile the moment Cate fixed her eyes on her.

"I've been awake for almost an hour already." She confessed.

"What? You're awake for an hour?"

Sandra bit her lip and nodded. "I just didn't want to talk. I just wanna crash myself against you." She crawled on top of Cate and placed her head on her chest. "I miss enjoying silence with you."

Cate trapped her in an embrace. If there's one thing she would not get tired of doing, that would be spending time with Sandra. She combed Sandra's hair using her fingers. The busy and crowded buzzes of New York clouding over the city had no power over the solemnity they both felt.



"Stay with me."

"I am, baby and I will."

"No." Sandra got up and sat on bed. She fixed her hair, "I mean, stay with me literally. That way, you would not be here. The kids would love to be with you and us, we can always spend time."

Her words made the blonde smile. She looked at Sandra who was obviously anxious waiting for her answer. She then sat on bed, rested her back against the bedrest while she stared at Sandra intently. She could sense Sandra's nervousness with the way she played with her fingers; Sandra was fidgeting and Cate found it cute.

"Is this some kind of a proposal?"

Sandra twitched her lips. "Sort of? But look, if you are not ready yet, it's okay. I am not asking you to out yourself like the last time."

Sandra's last words were barely audible, but Cate was close enough to hear them. It was the reason they split up years ago - Sandra didn't want their love to be kept a secret, and she also didn't want to be Cate's mistress. Cate, on the other hand, lacked the courage to speak up for herself. She was absolutely petrified. Both were terrified. There was so much complication, and their love had lost its way. Cate reached for her hand and caressed it before bringing it to her mouth. She kissed each knuckle while Sandra stared at her, obviously waiting for her to say something.

"Does that mean I would be able to sleep with a back massage every night?" Cate asked.

And at last, the breath that Sandra was holding came out, "Yes and yes and yes. Now, is that a yes?"

Instead of a delicate yes, Cate reached for her neck and pulled her into a sweet and passionate kiss. She kissed Sandra's side lips, her bottom lip before she claimed her sweet lips as if it was hers to explore. Sandra clung on Cate's neck as she climbed on her lap. They shared a kiss full of passion and love. Their hearts danced in one as their souls tried to close the gap between them. Cate broke the kiss by planting a sweet kiss on Sandra's head. She cupped her face and made their foreheads touch which made Sandra smile.

"It's always a yes with you, honey."


"Mama!" Laila shouted in joy as she rushed to Cate who was standing by their door.

Cate laughed at her reaction. She opened her arms and picked the little girl up. Laila wrapped her legs around Cate's waist and hugged her tightly. Sandra opened the door even more while looking at the two. The sight made her smile. She then crouched towards the two to kiss Laila.

"Mommy's jealous of mama now." She joked.

Laila giggled and motioned to hug Sandra. Cate then passed her to Sandra while laughing. It was evident that the kids had grown so much attachment to the blonde.

"Don't be jealous, mommy."

They walked inside the living room, only to see Louis sleeping on the couch. Cate looked at Sandra.

"Louis was waiting for mommy to go home since last night."

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry." Sandra mumbled and bent down to carry Louis in his room. "Are you two done eating?" She asked Laila.

"Yeah mom. It's seven in the evening already and we had dinner thirty minutes ago." The little answered while fiddling with Cate's fingers.

"Sandra, you are here. Thanks goodness. The kids are ready for bed. I really have to go home now." It was the kids' babysitter who just came out from the kitchen.

Sandra offered a smile and kissed the babysitter, thanking her for staying while she was out. Cate also thanked the lady. The lady smiled at the two before she kissed Laila and Louis a goodbye. When the door shut closed, Sandra continued to walk up the stairs to put Louis on bed.

"I'll just tuck him in." She softly said to Cate. "And you little girl, you better be in your room right now. Your mama is tired  and there shouldn't be playing this time." She spoke in an authoritative voice, only to receive a giggle from Laila.

"I'll tuck this little sweetpea on bed." Cate chimed. "Come on now little peach."

Laila smiled and crawled to Cate as the blonde carried her. The four of them walked to the stairs but went in to separate rooms. Sandra took time in tucking Louis to bed as she needed to pick up the mess her eight-year-old son made in his room. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was already eight in the evening. She then kissed Louis before she went out. The brunette walked towards the next room only to find Cate and Laila sleeping. Cate was sitting on Laila's bed while Laila was sitting on her lap, her head on the blonde's chest and Cate's arms was wrapped around the little girl. It was indeed a loving sight to see. Sandra fished her phone out and snapped photos of the two before she sat on bed to wake Cate up.

"Baby..." She whispered.

"Shoot. I've fallen asleep." Cate spoke quitely, not wanting to wake little Laila.

Sandra smiled and meticulously got Laila away from Cate. Cate fixed the bed before she put Laila in. After putting Laila on bed, they kissed her a goodnight.

"Now, can we have our dinner?" Sandra asked as they went out of the room.

"I'm starving too." Cate replied, holding Sandra's hand to stop her from going down the stairs.

"Perfect. Let's go down." She attempted to step down on one case, but Cate was quick enough to pull her back. "What?" Sandra, obviously astonished and puzzled asked the blonde.

"I'm starving for your kisses." Cate sweetly said.

The brunette laughed. She then wrapped her arms around the blonde, making their noses touched.

"I love you, Blanchett."

And with that, Cate answered her by closing the gap.


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