Chapter Six

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"Sandra, great job with the hotel scene. Now, you will going to meet with Cate in the cemetery. It's all up to you two on how you will do the improvisation of the scene. Just gotta make sure your chemistry will be seen." Gary Ross talked through his megaphone.

Sandra rose from her seat and began reading her script. They've already begun filming Ocean's 8, and things are going well so far. Sandra looked around, most likely in search of the blonde. She didn't want to rehearse the scene with her for personal reasons, but seeing Cate hugging Sarah while they were laughing with the rest of the cast made her want to rehearse right away. As she approached them, she grabbed her coat.

"Debbie Ocean is here! How's prison, girl?" Sarah cracked as Sandra kissed one of them, including Cate.

"Shut up, Paulson." She countered. "Cate, can we rehearse the scene at the cemetery?"

Cate bit her lip before nodding casually. "Sure. Where? My trailer or yours?"

"Yours. It's nearer."

Sandra watched as Cate took her scarf from a chair, including the script. They said a quick excuse. Cate walked first while Sandra was following behind her. There was no talking at all. Cate smiled a little to Sandra as she opened the door for her.


"Do you want tea, coffee or soda?" Cate asked as soon as they went inside.

Sandra rummaged her eyes around, secretly admiring how clean Cate's trailer. She then walked towards a little shelf full of cute figurines and vases.

"No, thanks. I'm good." She replied, looking at a fairy figurine. "This is beautiful."

Cate looked at Sandra who was busy with the figurine. "Yes, so beautiful." She mumbled, looking at Sandra, not at the figurine.

Cate smiled at herself. She knew that the beautiful she meant was not the figurine. By saying beautiful, she meant Sandra. Cate then sat at the bed, flipping through her script when a crashing sound was heard.

"Oh my goodness! I am sorry." Sandra panicked, picking all the broken vases and figurines on the floor.

Cate panicked as she saw Sandra picking the broken marble and glasses, but what made her panick even more was the sight of blood gushing out from Sandra's fingers.

"Annette, stop." Cate warned, as she held her. "Stop picking those."

"I am really sorry. I didn't mean to --"

"Shut up, Annette." Cate shot her a look. "Are you nuts? Do you want to harm yourself? Look at what you've done."

"I know. I'm sorry about the vases."

Cate took her away from the place and guided her to sit on the bed. "I'm not talking about the vase. I am talking about your bloody fingers." She commented as she got her box of first aid. "Give me your hand."

"I'm okay." Sandra replied.

Cate looked at her, crossing her arms on her chest. "I said, give me your hand."

Sandra sighed in defeat. Cate took her right hand. There was an immense amount of blood gushing out from Sandra's fingers. Sandra didn't say a word. All she did was watch Cate nursed her wounds.


"Sorry. We need to let out some blood so we know there are no shards of glasses inside your cuts." Cate replied.

Cate applied pressure to Sandra's cuts to force out more blood, but Sandra writhed in pain. She shook her head as she listened to Sandra's incessant 'ouch' and 'hey'. To alleviate Sandra's pain, she performed an act that shocked the hell out of Sandra. Sandra's finger was sucked. She sucked it as if she were a baby sucking nipples. After a short time, she went to the sink to spit Sandra's blood out of her mouth.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Cate continued as she cleaned Sandra's cuts before wrapping bandages on it.

Sandra remained sitting on the bed as she was instructed by Cate not to move a single muscle. Cate then proceeded to clean and pick up the broken figurines on the floor. In a short span of time, she was done.

"So let's rehearse, shall we?" Cate asked, standing a few meters away.

"Yeah sure."

They delivered their lines. Making it a point to point out where they should add more emotions. Cate remained on her feet, while Sandra sat. It was almost suffocating for the two of them to be in the same room. The awkwardness was palpable, but they both knew deep down that they were concealing something that should not be concealed.

"So when I go inside the car, you will pat my shoulder." Sandra instructed.

Cate nodded. "Sure. So let's go?"

Sandra stood up from the bed, but before Cate could go out, she held her hand.



Sandra looked at Cate. If people could see them by now, people would think they would kiss. Their faces were two-inch apart, and they could feel each other's breath. Sandra held Cate's face with her right hand. Cate gently flinched, obviously shocked. Sandra then smiled as she glided her fingers on Cate's lips. It was still soft, Sandra thought.

"You're a messy vampire, Catherine." Sandra spoke, half smiling as she wiped the blood on Cate's lips.

Cate shook her head and laughed as Sandra moved away. The tension diminished, but Cate could still hear the loud screams her heart was making.


"And action!" Gary shouted.

The camera-men steadied themselves as the cameras started rolling in. Debbie Ocean walked by the street side, going into a car parked on the other end. Lou Miller on the other hand was inside the car, waiting for Debbie. As soon as Debbie went inside, Lou crashed herself against her. She jumped unto her, hugging her so tight. Lou's hand was placed on Debbie's head as she placed a kiss on it.

"Take it easy... been in the slammer." Debbie commented, slowly adjusting to the shockness that was inside her.

They planned for a tap on the shoulder, not a hug and a kiss. But in all honesty, she loved every bit of it. She loved Lou Miller and the woman playing as Lou. After the scene, they got out of the car.

"Thank you for the kiss and hug." Sandra spoke behind her, with a sheepish grin on her lips.

Cate stopped and turned to her. "I stole a kiss. Don't you wanna get it back?"

"Not today. Tonight, maybe."


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