Chapter Thirty Four

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𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓...

Cate Blanchett

I'd like to believe the stars were poems of the uncelebrated poets. When a poet dies and no one knows he was such, God would gather all His poems to place them in the sky. And once in a while, He would permit them to kiss the ground where their authors lay supine. But now, I would also like to believe that angels were God's loving hands. When a poor and hopeless human cries for help, God would send that human one; He would give that human an angel. And now, looking back, I knew God did send me one. God sent me Sandra.

My sweet love, there she came. She came to me in such a state. I once struggled to release a breath and oh -  her skin, her pallid face, the wan in her brown eyes occured. She came to me coated in evident pallor as if she have been wrung of my most melodic heartbeats. Sandra most ardently beseeched the heavens for angels and redemption and a quick, feathery kiss of comfort and calm, but she came home to me.

That day - that hour, that exact minute when I got a hold of her soul, I knew she was the one. But I was already married and we were introduced to be just friends, but time was playing on us. We started from a simple hello, to secret midnight calls, until we started an illicit affair. It was wrong, but a huge part of me whispered that I was being unfair to my truest self. With Sandra, it looked like time had completely stopped. Everything wasn't moving except her. The way her lips moved as she talked, her undying laughter, each tweak of her eyelashes as she wiped your teary, but delighted eyes. I witnessed everything, and I couldn't help but listen to these drum rolls inside  my chest. That felt unrealistic. Was I in a wonderland? If that was a dream, I wouldn't want to wake me up. But it wasn't a dream; it was real. In all of a million uncertainties, I was sure that Sandra's  soul was intended for me. She was someone who's  ready to vanish for my sake, and my heart still couldn't understand why on earth God blessed me such a pure soul.

And now, as I laid beside her, I was taken aback when she moved. The sun was already up and the dews on the green grasses outside had dried up. The city was wide awake, but my love, the owner of my heart was still sleeping soundly beside me. Her head was on my chest and her arm was wrapped around my waist. This view was worth a billion smiles and I would never get tired seeing this view forever. I smiled seeing her angelic face. The patched covering her eyes were removed yesterday. And to say that my whole being didn't cry was a lie - there were lots of tears. When she opened her new eyes, I cried, but all those tears were out of happiness. Finally, she's home to me. Last night, we threw her a party. Most of our friends from the business came and everything was just so perfect. She saw us again and she cried, we all did; the party ended at dawn and we pretty much didn't talk because we were too tired. And now, I couldn't wait to talk and hear her soul once again.

I inched closer and placed a kiss on the bridge of her nose. She slightly moved, but her eyes remained closed. I gently rubbed her back and I giggled when she lazily kissed my neck. My heart wept, finally, the love of my life was here with me, complete and safe.

"Good morning, love." I spoke, gently brushing the brunette waves that were covering her face, "Hi..."

Sandra smiled and when she opened her eyes, my heart dropped its beat. I felt like a soul flew out of my body. She had her blue eyes now and no, it didn't look like those were Andrews', - it was like I was looking into her eyes for the very first time.   I gently cupped her face as we faced each other on the bed. She was beautiful that I wanted to cry.

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