Chapter Thirty One

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𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓...

"Good night, little peach." Cate smiled at Laila as she tucked her into bed.

Laila was quite. She clutched her teddy bear tightly on her chest as she stared at the blonde.  Cate tried to smile at the kid, but the long she did, she couldn't give her a sterling smile still.  Everything felt so wrong. She then held Laila's head and gently caressed it before she gave her a kiss.

"Sleep tightly, baby." She whispered.

Laila watched as Cate stood up. It took her a few minutes before the kid opened her mouth. Just as Cate was about to go out, Laila called her in her tiny voice.


Cate stopped. She slowly turned and walked back to Laila who was in bed. The evening was already high, but she felt the need to cater the little kid because the whole thing felt so messed up, what more for a little kid like Laila?

"Yes, baby?"

Laila sat up, "Will mom gonna be able to see us again?" And along with that, Laila's tears fell.

Cate's new eyes started dwelling tears, but she chose to suck it up. She gently got Laila up on her lap and hugged her tightly. When the child was cradled between her arms, Laila sobbed.

"I don't want mom to go blind,.." Laila started before she looked up at Cate, "...but she loves you so much, momma."

The blonde, no matter how hard she tried to stop her tears from falling, ended up crying too. She looked at Laila and she wanted to apologize for what her mom did, but her tongue got tied inside. The words she knew she had to say couldn't be found. Instead, Cate kissed Laila's nose and she wiped the kid's tears away.

"And I didn't want her to go blind too, baby." She whispered as she kissed Laila's head, "I am sorry. I am sorry for what happened." She spoke, cupping Laila's face, "But I promise, momma promises that I will do everything to fix this. Your mommy will see us again." She held Laila's chin and made their foreheads touched, "I promise, baby. I promise."

When Cate successfully pacified the kid and got her into bed again, she went out of the room and went to the bathroom instead. And when she got there, she cried her heart's out.  It pained her so much. She felt like she didn't deserve to be loved that way; her existence didn't feel a bit of worthiness for  Sandra's love. It was all too much. She leaned on the lavatory and stared at her reflection on the mirror. Her ocean blue eyes were gone and now had been replaced with the brown ones that Sandra used to have. It seemed like a dream, a beautiful one that could melt one's soul, but somehow, it also felt like a nightmare, and she just wanted to run, to hide - because really, Sandra's love was just too much. She continued to sob inside, but she stopped when she heard footsteps and a little commotion coming and when Cate looked at the door, Sandra stood there in her robe, with a cane on her hand.

"Are you crying?"

Cate wiped her tears right away. She bit her lip and wiped her nose before she walked towards the door and met the brunette.

"What are you doing here, baby?"

"You didn't answer my question." Sandra put down her cane and slowly cupped Cate's face with her hand, "Why are you crying?"

Cate bit her lip, harder this time. Sandra, even without the sight, didn't change. She still could see Cate in her truest self - behind her pretense, behind all of her 'I'm okay, I'm fine', Sandra saw what was hidden underneath all of those. She didn't want to look weak and to cry in front of Sandra again, not again after she had spent almost a week crying and she had promised Sandra to never cry, but now, with the two of them trapped inside the bathroom, with Sandra's hand cupping her face and Sandra asking her why she's crying, it all went downhill and her tears began to fall again.

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