Chapter Thirty

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The whole atmosphere of the hospital room where Cate was in felt so cold. The air was dead, so melancholic  -  and the people inside weren't so ready to break the news out yet. They wanted to be happy, but they simply couldn't. Andrew, along with the kids - Dash, Roman, Iggy, Edith were there. Sandra's sister too was present along with Louis and Laila who were already sobbing. The doctors came in and a bunch of nurses went after. The whole room was so silent that they could even hear the ticking of the clock. Andrew's heart was torn into two as he carried little Edith into his arms. The poor child didn't know what really was happening, but the older boys sure did. Iggy and Roman were silently crying as they hugged Dash's waist and Dash, as the older one kept a brave facade and even if there were no tears coming out of his eyes, it was vivid that his heart was grieving. Sandra on the other hand was on the other corner of the room, and even if she was silent, everybody knew what was going on inside of her.

Gesine, Sandra's younger sister was crying silently. The doctors and the nurses couldn't pick a perfect time when  should they do what was needed to be done, because the people inside were picking heartaches already and tears were figuratively flowing. Everyone inside the room held their breaths when a nurse stood up and went to get the blonde. The whole world seemed to stop in a pure haze, and all they could hear was the jargons splurting out from the doctors and nurses. They watched as the nurses took Cate to sit on her bed. She was so pale and her whole face was covered with bandages. It took a few minutes before the doctors started doing their jobs. After checking that every single thing was correct and Cate's temperature was going well, two doctors stepped up and they slowly removed the bandages on Cate's face. The people waiting inside were all kissing aches as they watched in anticipation. Cate sat still, but the shaking of her knees and the trembling of her fingers were very visible. When her face was uncovered, the doctors gradually removed the final covering around her eyes. Everybody held their hearts on hand - ready to drop it on the floor when it's needed to. But when the doctor finally did and when Cate's soulful orbs were finally free, it remained  closed and it stayed closed for a few good minutes before the doctors told her to open it.

"Cate, let's do it gradually." The doctor spoke, "It may take a little while to adjust, but it will be fine. Take a deep breathe and count one to three and when you are ready, open your eyes."

Cate kept her silence. She gathered a few breaths and everybody looked at her as she was about to do what was instructed. Time stopped and all the hearts inside leaped into space when Cate finally opened her eyes. She squinted and all she saw was an enchanting light. It took her a few more seconds to finally adjust and when she did, a smile grew on her lips. Everyone was there and she felt so complete. She wanted to move and hug every single person in the room, but she was still so weak. And so on her bed where she was sitting, she blew them a kiss and it was when everybody went up to her and huddled her in a tight embrace.

"I wanna see my donor." Cate spoke, looking at Andrew, "Is my donor here?"

"Honey..." Andrew mumbled.

Cate suddenly paused, "Oh my God. Where's the love of my life?" She asked, smiling sweetly for she noticed that Sandra wasn't in the circle hugging her.

And when Andrew looked to the other corner of the room, her lips smiled even larger. The love of her life was there and a beautiful smile was plastered on Sandra's lips. The smile that said you're home, the smile that she missed, and that saccharine smile that could tame all of her demons. Her heart slowly melt at the sight of the woman she's going to marry. She wore a beautiful dress and it made Cate want to marry her in that very moment. But as Cate stared at her even longer, it was when she noticed that  Sandra's eyes were covered in bandages. The brunette was smiling at her across the room, but the smile didn't pacify the raging agony and the shock in Cate's heart. Her tears began to fall one by one as she realized what was happening. Cate looked at everybody in the room, silently asking them what the fuck happened? But everyone was silent. Even if Cate's legs were not that strong, she jumped off the bed and ran to the corner where the brunette was sitting - still smiling so sweetly at her.

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