Chapter Seven

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"Cate, aren't you going home tonight? I can drop you off." Anne chimed as she saw the blonde sitting in one of the benches.

They had completed nearly half of the film and were given a weekend off from shooting. It was Friday, and they'd all be free by Saturday and Sunday. Except for Cate, the rest of the cast has gone home. She didn't want to go home because she knew it would be difficult for her. She and Andrew have decided to divorce after twenty-three years of marriage. It was a decision that both of them had made, but they remained friends. Except for Cate, there was no involvement of a third party. But Cate and her lover had been separated for a long time before she and Andrew made the decision. In essence, you cannot be friends with someone you once loved. Cate found it difficult to return home, be with Andrew, and pretend that they were still together in front of their children. Except for the two of them, no one knew about the breakdown of their marriage.

Cate rose from the bench and returned to her trailer. Already, the set location was deafeningly quiet. The vast majority of people returned home. Only a few members of the production team remained. She went inside her trailer and changed into something more comfortable. She wore skinny jeans with a loose bluish polo that she tucked in. She gathered the majority of her belongings before proceeding to the garage where her car was parked.

"You're still here?" Cate stopped on track as she saw Sandra leaning on her car.

Sandra smiled. "Obviously."

She shook her head as she approached her. Puzzled to why Sandra was leaning on her car, somewhat making it looked as if Sandra was waiting for her.

"Do you need something?" Cate asked.

"Yes. I do need something."

"What is it?"

"Get inside the car."


Sandra rolled her eyes, crossing her arms at the same time. "I said get inside your car."

"Annette, I don't understand the --"

Sandra didn't let her finish as she dragged Cate and put her inside the car. When Cate was inside, Sandra immediately hopped in. It all happened in a snap, instead of Sandra sitting on the other seat, she, without any warning, sat on Cate's lap.

"Annette, what are you doing?" Cate seemed so shocked.

She smirked, taking off her coat in the same manner. "Taking back what you stole."

Sandra took Cate's lips without hesitation. Her hands moved from Cate's neck to her back and then to her chest. Sandra cupped Cate's breast and opened her mouth. It was a battle of dominance for the two of them. Tongue versus tongue. Moans upon moans. Skin to skin contact. Sandra unbuttoned Cate's sleeve's first few buttons. She then kissed her neck all the way down to her collarbone, where she spent so much time sucking Cate's bare skin. When Sandra came down to kiss Cate's breast, her mouth formed a 'oh.' Sandra began humping on her lap, which accelerated her heavy breathing.  It was not a good place to make out with someone, considering they were at the garage on the set location and at any moment, they could be seen.  But the thrill of getting caught and the adrenaline of each other's body added to the excitement. Cate pushed Sandra 'til Sandra's back hit the steering wheel. She licked Sandra's neck which made her gasp.

"You have taken so much, Annette." Cate whispered on her ear, biting it at the same time. "I only stole a kiss. You stole almost the whole of me."

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