Chapter Twenty

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"What are you reading?" Cate asked, casually snaking her arms around Sandra's waist as she delicately planted soft kisses on the back of the brunette's ear.

Sandra left out a sigh, "Us." She turned around, "We're all over the tabloids. Are you okay with that?"

Cate shrugged. Who cares? She didn't care now. She smiled as her thumbs started rubbing Sandra's hips, trying to soothe the tension off. She knew it that everything went fast. From the movie, to their coming out, the revelation of the downfall of her marriage; it happened so quickly, but she wasn't regretting anything. She felt good not having to worry about people seeing them together. She felt happy not having to carry a bulky weight of baggage inside her heart. Coming home with Sandra, having to share a bed with her, sleeping and waking up next to her made everything worth it. Everything that Cate had thought she had lost came back - those teenage silent screams in her heart came back everytime Sandra was with her. As cliché as it seemed, they were wrapped up in magic. Everytime she would think that she was already free, and that everything she had ever wished of having, was right beside her existing, she would hold her breathing, still oblivious that it's already her realities.

"Having you here, being with you, eradicating all the pretense I had, made everything okay, great even. I'm happy that Ocean's 8 hit the summit, but I couldn't be even happier that the world already knows we are together." She held Sandra's chin and stared into her brown eyes lovingly, "You've made everything worth it."

"How about the boys? Dash? Iggy and Roman? They're still not okay about everything."

Cate sighed, "Honey, they will be okay soon. Let's wait for a little bit. But I am sure that Andrew is doing his best to make them understand. I am also doing my best too. Now, I want you to stop sighing. Can we just appreciate us, being here together, away from chaos, can't we?"

Fairytales never sounded so dreamy when they were young, it sounded more like a catastrophe of broken feelings painted with blue-tainted hopes; it was not real. But now, under the million glistening stars of France, standing closely on a hotel's balcony, La Vie En Rose playing on a walkman from the inside of their suite, and Cate kissing her the way movie stars kissed on movies, it was indeed a fairytale.

"Goodness..." Sandra sighed as she let go of Cate's lips, her face flustered with a glowy flush of pink, eyes dreamy and beaming before she closed her soulful orbs and leaned her forehead against the blonde's, "I love you so much that it can kill me."

Cate shimmered a soft laugh, "Don't talk like that. I'm still gonna marry you."

"Okay." The brunette replied, trying to suppress a giggle, but failed from doing so.

"So now,.." Cate backed away, creating a space between their bodies, but her hands remained on Sandra's hips, "Can you forget about all those worries? Because woman, we're in Paris for pete's sake."

Sandra rolled her eyes, "That, I think I can."


"I wanted to be at Paris, or maybe, not anymore." Sandra spoke gently as she came on top of Cate.

Cate chuckled at the strawberry scent of the fragrance of the whole room, however, it had been dominated with an immense smell of sex. Sandra laid on top of her, face plopped beneath the blonde's jaw. Hot breathes being thrown at Cate's neck as Sandy was still trying to even her breathing. Cate smiled languidly as she gradually pulled the blanket to cover their naked bodies, but Sandy whined, pouted and even bit her neck as she tried to do so, countering her with a don't, I wanna be naked.

"Does that mean you want to go home now?" The blonde asked, eyes on the ceiling while her fingers danced on the back of the brunette, drawing patterns.

"No." Sandra smiled, propped herself on her elbow as she stared at Cate, "I dreamt of gracing the street of Paris; I have always been in love with the whole place. Run around the circle of the city, meet strangers and learn how to go along with the foreign land. I wanted to visit the famous Eiffel, go and stay at Louvre or take a quick snap at Le Marais. I have dreamt of catwalking the hallway of Arc De Triomphe. Eat at fine cafés, bu--"

"Honey, we've done that."

"I know, but will you let me finish?"

Cate laughed - those laugh that could always melt the insides of Sandra. She bit her lip, giving a nod as she came to plant a quick kiss on her lover, before she continued to speak.

"But things changed. All I wanted is to be with you. To be locked inside your arms and let my nose smell the vanilla scent of your delicate body. Look at your ocean eyes and see the glowing stars hiding beneath the pair. I wanted to just sit, to lie with you - in silence and in chaos.  All I wanted was to be at Paris, but maybe not anymore. Now that I have come to know the feeling of being at the arms of someone I love, I would want to be caged forever. I didn't want Paris now - I wanted you."

Cate smiled hearing Sandra's truest whispers.  That night was perfect. Tangled limbs, naked bodies, pure hearts and raw vulnerabilities sprawled on bed. She stared at Sandra with those gleaming eyes, a hand on Sandra's left cheek, and a sweet smile handed over. They're too in love; more like two sneaky teenagers who just had sex in the back of someone else's car. If only Cate wasn't afraid to come out before, then each of them wouldn't be wasting years getting hurt over by past lovers they once thought they're destined to be with. However, it was time to put the past behind. They've already marked an end to it, and the only thing they had to do was to push Cate's divorce over Andrew and hopefully, be wedded soon after.

Cate smiled sweetly, "Have I told you how much I'm in love with your brown eyes?"


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