Chapter Thirteen

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"Where is Cate? Did you see her?" Sarah asked Mindy urgently, who was sipping her coffee. "She's needed and I could not find here."

Sandra's ears rang a bell as she heard Sarah's statement. They both arrived in the set location earlier, how could Cate be missing? Frantically, she fished her phone out and dialled Cate's number, but she was out of reach. Full of frustration, she messaged her and waited for a reply, but she didn't get one.

"Sandy, do you know where Cate is?" It was Sarah, asking her this time.

"I don't know. She's really not here?"

Sarah nodded, her fingers fiddling against one another, "She's not. We are supposed to be reading my lines."

Sandra gave her a suspicious look. She thought Cate was desperately needed in the production, but all along, she was only needed for a line-reading by Sarah Paulson. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't envious of her; of course, she envied Sarah. Sarah had established a relationship with a woman; the world was aware of the Sarah-Holland relationship, but no one was aware of the Sandra-Cate relationship. It suffocated her at times, the hiding seemed to last forever, and she had nothing she could do about it.

She gave Sarah a sly smile, "I'll tell her to meet you once I see her."

"Thanks, Sandy."

Sarah walked away with a smile. Sandra let out a huge sigh as she clutched her stomach. Her stomach churned with jealousy, and she wanted to cry and be angry about it, but she knew it wouldn't make sense. When she was jealous a few years ago, Cate broke up with her, and she couldn't risk breaking up with Cate for the second time. When her phone rang, she exhaled. Without having the caller on the other line speak, she mumbled in angst.

"Where are you? Get back here, because you're needed by Sarah." She spoke flatly before ending up the call.

Was it bad for her to feel that way? Of course, it wasn't.


The week-long taping was finally over, and they were getting close to the end of the film. Sarah, as expected, threw another party at her home. Sandra didn't want to go, so she simply told them that her children were waiting for her. It wasn't a lie, though, because Louis and Laila were truly expecting her. Cate, on the other hand, was expected to attend because they had grown accustomed to Cate not declining a party, especially if it was hosted by a close friend.

"Will you be okay? I can just tell them that I'd go home." Cate spoke to Sandra inside her trailer.

Sandra looked at her as she fixed her jacket, "No. It's fine. I'll go home. Just drive safely and be sober."

She wished she could say the opposite. "No, you should not go there," she wanted to say, but her tongue couldn't even move to say a single word in that phrase. She didn't like feeling needy, even though she was; but Cate had her own life, and it would be terrible if she cut it just because they were in a relationship and she was jealous.

"Be safe, please." Cate smiled at her, and placed a kiss on her head as Sandra stood, ready to go, "Tell the kids that I miss them and I'll be home soon. I love you, baby."

She smiled in return, putting her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. "I love you too."

Sandra exited the trailer, slipped into her car, and drove away with a smile and a quick kiss. She returned home and discovered that the children had already fallen asleep. She entered their room after kissing them goodnight. The water could wash away her exhaustion, stress, and possibly jealousy, so she decided to take a bath. Her mind didn't seem to relax as her body submerged in the cold water. All she could think about was Cate having a good time at a party hosted by Sarah.It wasn't because she was paranoid; she was simply concerned. Cate's vulnerability was obvious to her after everything she had been through. Above all, she knew that Sarah and Cate had a little private secrecy after the Carol movie; they were once in love. In all honesty, she didn't care for Sarah, and it bothered her to see how close she was to her lover.


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