Chapter Thirty Seven

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A gentle voice came crashing through the silent room where Sandra had to sit for an hour. The people inside turned to where the voice came from, the brunette did too, and when she did, her heart fluttered at the scene. Cate was leaning by the doorframe in her black strapless gown. She was beautiful, very beautiful. The gown accentuated the curves of her body, her hair fell rightly like cascades on her shoulder, her lips were painted red and her brown eyes glimmered like the dotted points in the sky.

Ten blissful years of marriage, still, the effect they both had to each other was still strong. Sandra moved and stood  up from where she was sitting. Her nude slit gown emphasized her toned legs and Cate was not able to refuse the magnetism from looking on it. Sandra grinned - that shit-eating-grin that she would always give to her, and Cate grinned back. Sandra educed so much ethereality and Cate couldn't help herself but to delete the space between them. She crossed the space and snaked  an arm on Sandra's waist and when their bodies met, the people inside the room felt invisible.

"Hey, pretty..." Cate greeted, her lips dangling a smile as she held Sandra through her waist.

"Hey, you, sexy." Sandra countered back as she placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder, "You're very beautiful." She added as she poked her nose with her finger.

Cate stared at her wife. Her lips still had the smile. There was something enigmatic about their silent stares; it was them, only them that could understand those silent language. Sandra rolled her eyes to the blonde's intense stare before she laughed softly.

"Stop it." Sandra chuckled and inched closer, placing both of her arms on the blonde's neck.


"Don't what me. Stop it."

Cate held Sandra's chin before she looked at her eyes again, "You know what I want."

Sandra rolled her eyes, "Don't forget we're not alone in this room." She whispered.

Cate sighed, pressed her lips together and pouted, "They won't care, honey."

"I already have my lipstick on."

The blonde went silent. Of course, she knew it. But she also knew that her wife couldn't resist her. She then faked another sigh, sounding so displeased and dejected with it before she let go of Sandra's waist.

"Okay, fine." She spoke, "I'll meet you outside?" She asked, and without waiting for a word from the brunette, she started walking out.

One step, two steps and before she could take the third one, Sandra held her arm and pulled her into a kiss. It was anticipated. The blonde knew it was coming and so when her wife pulled her into a kiss, her hand automatically snaked around the brunette's waist, pulling her closer -  cloth to cloth, tugging her like a rope to loosen up. Sandra cupped her face while her other hand went to settle on the back of the blonde's neck. A sweet sigh escaped against their lips as they kissed. Once again, they were trapped inside their own bubble.

"Oh my God, moms!"

A loud shriek made the two stop. Cate, with her eyes closed broke the kiss and bit her lower lip as she leaned her forehead on the brunette's shoulder. A groan of frustration escaped her lips and it made Sandra giggle.

"Remind me why I love that child." The blonde  whispered.

Sandra laughed and  went on to rub her back, "She's our daughter."

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