Chapter Twenty One

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Cate smiled as the sun of France greeted her by the window. She pulled the blanket up to her chest, in attempt to cover her naked body as she sat down. The other side of the bed was empty, it felt bigger now, but Sandy's ghost lingered so much around the space that it made her smile. The whole room was glowing in gold as the perpetual morning started to rise. She looked around, and Sandy's nightgown was hanging by the crook of a chair, her underwear beneath it, and it made her smile as the fragments of last night fluttered to her senses. The way their bodies moved in synch, so much synch that it made her feel as if they're bounded by one soul. The way Sandra moaned her name - it was music, it was something that Cate herself wouldn't be tired of hearing; all those gentle sighs, those deep glances that were shared and those I love yous that were whispered at the aftermath of their lovemaking. Last night was a night to be remembered and Cate knew it wasn't just a night, because soon enough, what happened last night would be a routine.

She dropped the blanket. Stood up naked along the spacious room as she picked up their clothes that were scattered around the floor. Waking up knowing what winds for later, fully knowing that whatever would wind was nice because it's gonna be a pack of happpiness, because she was so sure about them, about Sandra. She smiled and looked over the bathroom as she noticed that it was partially opened. The delightment rose up seeing her lover, dressed in nothing, but in skin was inside. She had her hair tied in a bun. She was  closing her eyes, feeling the water dripping down on her porcelain body as she stood under the shower. Cate opened the door, leaned on it and took her time admiring the art in front of her silently.

"Stop staring." Sandra commented, eyes still closed .

Cate scoffed, biting her lower lip to suppress the giggles, "You're closing your eyes. How'd you know I am here?"

Sandra opened her eyes and offered a warm smile. A  smile even brighter than the French sun outside. She then turned the shower off as she summoned Cate to go in the shower with her, pulling her lover gently by her hand. And there were eyes again, sapphires and chocolates eyes mirroring against each other in silence. Sandra smiled once more as she traced Cate's lower lip with her finger.

"How did I know? Really, you don't know?" She asked, "Oh my god Elise, you are the better half of me, you own my soul,.." she stopped deadtrack  ad she stared back at her eyes, "I don't wanna be poetic, but you own every hitch of my breathing, therefore I know everytime you are around. Every single time you are near, my heart will flutter, wanting to come out of its ribcage, and do  you know what it will whisper?"

Cate smiled, showcasing her cheekbones wanting to be touched, "What?" She whispered.

"It says Catherine." She paused and held Cate's hands before she placed a kiss on each of her knuckle and Cate just stood there, heart melting as she watched Sandra kissing her hands, "My heart whispers your name everytime you are around."

Cate breathed deeply. Slowly, it was a burn, a good kind of burn. She felt losing the boundaries of her own skin, her heart wanting to fly out and her breath came out abnormally, but those things were good, because it was Sandra; it was always Sandra who made her feel all those things that only teenagers who tasted love for the very first time could feel. It was Sandra who made her feel the things that never in a million years did she imagine feeling. Sandra had unlocked the many vaults inside of her, she opened the hidden caves of her body, and with that considered, she was grateful and happy, very happy. That side of her that people on daily basis did not have the chance to see - her rawness, her vulnerabilitity, her most gentle side, her monstrosity, it was Sandra who got the chance to see and witness those, but she wasn't ashamed nor afraid to be subjected in humiliation, because it was Sandra and Sandra was hers, as well as the fact that she was Sandra's.

"I love you..." Cate spoke, breathing gently as she buried her face on the brunette's neck, it all felt good and she could stay in that position forever, " much... I love you so much and sweetheart, I cannot stress it enough." She finished, snuggling on Sandra's neck even closer.

The brunette cradled her head, burying it deeper into her neck because she knew that Cate wanted it that way. He fingers caved their way into the blonde's hair, cradling and gently massaging her skull.

"And I love you too." The brunette replied, snaking her other arm around the blonde's body, "You made me feel what love truly is."

Cate laughed, she looked up and stiffled a  laugh. And it made Sandra laugh too. Why on earth were they cheesy and had all that lovey-dovey vibe when in fact, it's just seven in the morning? Cate smiled before she placed and encircled her arms on Sandra's neck, gently pulling her impossibly closer.

"I like how cheesy we are today." She jested, biting Sandra's lower lip before she giggled once more.

"And I like it too."

It didn't take a moment before Sandra held Cate's chin before she chose to close the gap. Cate's hand gradually turned the shower on. And along the droplets of the water, their lips brushed against one another. There was no heat in the kiss, it was all passion and love. It was the kiss patching all those years of pretense, those years of not being together. The kiss ended with beautiful smiles on their faces. They shared another laugh as they proceeded to take their baths.

"Turn around." Cate ordered and her lover did so.

"What will you do?"

"As much as I want to lick and kiss and worship your neck right now..." she paused and reached for the shampoo bottle, "I'd shampoo your head." She  held Sandra's bun, untied it gently as she put the shampoo on the brunette's hair.

"Do you think we will still be like this when we're gray and old?"

"Oh that we will be, babe."

Sandra turned around, head covered in bubbles, "Promise me." She ordered.

Cate laughed, "Pinky promise."


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