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Hi, everyone! I hope you're all having a great night. I don't know how to start this, because I really hate goodbyes. In all honesty, I was a little emotional as I wrote the final chapter earlier. With that being said, I hope you all love the ending that I have written; I couldn't think of any better ending than what I wrote.

First off, I want to thank you all for walking with me through this jaunt. The support that I have gained still feels unreal. When I wrote this story, I didn't really have a concrete plot. What I had was the scene of a drunk Cate Blanchett coming to Sandra Bullock's house, but I wrote it and then chapter after chapter, I was able to build a plot and here we all are - reading this. This story, however, do not reflect the actors that I have used. The things that are written in the book are all fiction, hence, should not be linked to the lives of Cate and Sandra. Also, I'd like to make vivid that we cannot change an individual's eyes. Our eyes can be operated, yes - but to say that whole eyes can be transferred to another person is no. Again, this story is nothing, but fiction. Also, I don't proofread so I apologize for the grammatical errors, but still, thank you!

I'd like to thank you all; if I could just extend my arms and hug you, I would. I still can't believe that the story has kissed its finale. Thank you to you, my readers and to my friends that I met in this fandom.

To Shimanovsky - Abby, thank you for the support! When I wrote this last year, you were the first one to really read this crap. I remember you, flaunting my story in our gc and then tweeting about it. You were really there when I first started, so thank you. You are my internet best friend and I won't trade you, ever. To more kapokpokan, Vargasm! Please don't die, because I'll be the one to kill you.

To naughtsaiki - I don't know what's gotten into you for treating this book as your comfort story. I could still remember your message last April. I am just happy to meet you and to be your friend and crossed-fingers, I wish to see you soon.

To Chandler, Nico, Desiree, Aki, Blessy, Curtney, Ate Mai and to the rest of you all, please know that I am so thankful for having you! I'll see you in my other stories and I hope you will still be with me. I love you all! You guys are the best!

This has been Brown Eyes, thank you.

Brown Eyes
August 13, 2021 (8:27 PM)


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