Chapter Three

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"Goodness, Catherine! Why did you drink this much?" Sandra asked Cate, who was now lying on her bed like a starfish.

Cate flung her arms like waves on the bed. Her hair covered half of her face, and her lips were half closed. Sandra sat on the bed, looking longingly at her, contemplating her next move. She should have cleaned her up, but Cate obviously didn't have any clothes. Already deep in her slumber, Cate moaned and shifted to the other side of the bed. It would be a long night, Sandra thought as shs sighed and stood up to go to her closet to get clothes for Cate. She then trudged to the bathroom, where she prepared a sponge bath for her. And when she returned, Cate was already curled up on bed, sleeping like a kid.

"Catherine... wake up. You need to change clothes." Sandra woke her up by shaking her gently, but all she got was a grumpy moan from her.

She shook her again, harder this time. Cate, on the other hand, was already deeply asleep. Shaking her head, she started to shift Cate onto her bed and began unbuttoning her top. That wasn't something new to her. She'd done it countless times before, but this time was different. She no longer shared the same bond with Cate. She took a deep breath and continued to strip her down until all that remained was Cate's nude bra and underwear. She then began gliding the sponge across Cate's body, starting with her face and working her way down to her neck, stomach, and legs. Sandra couldn't deny that Cate still had that summer-ready figure. Her stomach was flat, as if she were a twenty-year-old woman. Her long legs were toned plus her alabaster skin made it more beautiful. She was glowing.

"Can you remove my bra?" Cate asked all of a sudden, eyes closed.

Sandra rolled her eyes. "Now you're awake. Remove that and change clothes." She spoke and throw the clothes to Cate where it landed on her chest directly.

The drunk blonde groaned as she tried to sit. But the moment she sat, her stomach turned up, and in result, she puked on Sandra's bedroom floor. Sandra screamed in shock. What the fuck.

"The hell Cate!" Sandra screamed as she immediately looked for a rug. "Here... I got you." She continued as she rubbed her back.

Once Cate was done, Sandra made her sit on the tub. She filled it with water and she left Cate there while she cleaned the room. When she was done, she went back to the tub and started washing Cate.

"Annette, I'm sorry. I really am so dizzy right now." Cate mumbled, looking down while Sandra cleaned her up.

Cate heard a tsk from Sandra. Sandra didn't say a word, she just continued to wash her up silently. Cate who was now conscious was a bit ashamed. The fact that she went to Sandra's place drunk and the mess that she's done made her want to just cry. And unknowingly, she did.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sandra asked when Cate started crying.

"I'm sorry... You should have been sleeping right now, but you're not because I'm here and I fucked you up." Cate sobbed as she threw her face on her hands.

"Well, you didn't fuck me."

"I don't mean it literally, but figuratively!"

Sandra laughed. She then hushed Cate by brushing her arms. "Hush up. Let's get this done so you can sleep. Alcohol makes you emotional. Cate the crybaby is back because of that alcohol."

"I'm not a crybaby!"

Sandra needed a few minutes to get Cate into bed. She arranged the pillows and draped sheets over her. She gave her a sidelong glance as she sat on the edge of the bed. It had been a long time since she had been able to hold her and care for her. Cate clutched a pillow, her hair covering her face once more. Sandra reached out her hand to free Cate's face from her hair, and the gentle touch of Sandra's tips made Cate smile. Cate's sleeping expression radiated peace and tranquility. Sandra felt at ease with the small smile on her lips. Sandra grabbed a pillow and was about to walk out of her own room when Cate held her hand.


She stopped and looked at Cate's hand holding hers. Cate's eyes remained closed, but Sandra was aware that she's not fully asleep.

"I can't. Sleep now... I'll be in the other room if you need me." She answered.

Cate didn't let go of her hand, instead she held into it even tighter. It brought a pang on Sandra's heart. Everything was hard and they were suffering - both of them. She didn't answer.

"Stay with me... please, Sandy."

Cate's voice was gentle and the last part came out like a soft whisper. Sandra was used to calling her Catherine, and vice-versa, Cate was used to calling her Annette. But that time, the sound of Sandy from Cate's lips made Sandra's walls soften. The phrase didn't sound like a request, it sounded like a desperate need.

"Please... just tonight, let's not be strangers..." Cate once again spoke, eyes remained closed but there were tears coming out of her.

Sandra closed her eyes and her tears came out too. How did they come to this point? Appositely, she wiped Cate's tears with her hand.

"I'm here. I'm staying." Sandra mumbled as she slid into the covers, wrapping her arms around Cate.

Cate sniffled as Sandra adjusted her. Sandra's arms wrapped around her body and her face on Sandra's neck felt like home. After what seemed like forever, she was home. Her home was back. Sandra closed her eyes as she kissed Cate's head.

"Goodnight, ho--- Catherine." She whispered along with the lullaby that her mind was playing.

Cate moved even closer to her neck. "I love you, Annette. I love you still..."

"You're drunk."

Cate brought her hand on Sandra's face. "And even if I am sober, I love you still."


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