Chapter Twenty Six

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Sandy smiled as she took one final glance at Laila sleeping dreamily on her bed. A warm flush of love swept off her as she closed her little girl's room. It had been a very hectic week for her family and even for her, but she was still thankful that her kids were very understanding of all the circumstances. They knew what happened and they understood every bit of it. She realized how blessed she was to be their mom. Laila and Louis were the wind pushing her up every single time she felt like crumbling down. Indeed, they're one of her jewels. Shaking her reveries, she walked towards her own room, only to find her other jewel. Her back facing against the door and she was out in the balcony, looking at the city and Sandy knew that her mind was out there - lost, raw, and vulnerable. Heart on her sleeve, she walked in and trudged out to join Cate on the balcony.

She stood beside her in full silence and Cate too, never dared to speak a word. But despite the deafening silence they two were sharing, a knob of calmness and security were grounding them both; they know that the silence could not equate the loudness of their love for each other. And even without words, they knew that it would always be them: Sandy and Cate, Cate and Sandy, always. Despite of all the problems, the confusions, the haze and the blockages, both of them knew that they would always speak the same language. They knew that no matter what, their heart would always speak the same. It was Sandy who broke the silence, eyes still looking up at the whole city flickering in lights in front of them.

"Nice. The city is so nice." She started, still looking at the view in front, trying to decipher what was going on in  Cate's mind.

"I agree. I like how the lights flicker. It's as if it's a willow." Cate sighed, even from Sandy's peripheral view, she could see the small smile creeping on the blonde's lips, "It's magical." Cate glanced at Sandy, "They gleam so beatifully. Don't you think?"

Sandy shrugged. A plain way of saying  she'd beg to disagree. She then turned around, her back against the view and she stared at Cate.

"You don't think it's beautiful?" Cate asked, a bit baffled.

"I do think it's beautiful." Sandy spoke, "But the woman in front of me," she breathed out, straightened her posture as she held Cate's chin with her fingers, "is more beautiful than the view. You gleam more beautiful than the city lights, baby." She smiled, her eyes smiled too, "Even the brightness of the stars cannot surmount your glow." She finished the words her heart wanted to say with her hand picking Cate's cheek.

Cate gradually smiled. She closed her eyes absorbing the warmth of Sandy's hand caressing her cheek gently. She let herself surrendered. After all the messy events and the burden in her heart, she deserved to finally breathe. She exhaled and ran her own hand on Sandy's hand, clutching unto it as if her life depended on it, and she smiled once more - even wider,  even more sterling than the first one she had. The smile that Sandy gave her in return subtly whispered that she's home. You're home, baby.

"I miss you." Cate mumbled, her hand still holding Sandy's hand that was on her cheek, "And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened in France, for what happ--" and she stopped when Sandy's thumb landed on her lips.

Sandy stared at her. Eyes full of the words she wanted to tell her. Her emotions raw and pure as she stood closer to the blonde. She gazed at her, soulful orbs digging on Cate's facial features, studying her. Sandy thumbed her lips once more, ushering her to stop talking, because Cate didn't have to apologize and she too, didn't want to hear an apology. Regardless of what happened, it was not her fault and even if it was, Sandy could not bring her heart to blame her. Sandy smiled when she sensed Cate relaxed into her touch. She then brought her thumb to the blonde's cheek.

"There's nothing to apologize for. It's no one's fault, baby." She spoke before she pulled Cate by her waist and planted a soft kiss on her temple.

Cate didn't say a word. Instead, she leaned into Sandy. Let her whole flesh and bones be wrapped around Sandy's arms. She buried herself on Sandy's neck. There was an immense void in the deepest core of her soul - waiting to be filled in, waiting to vanish. A growing and a strange bereavement in her heart was knocking her too, slowly making her knees brittle like a sandcastle, but now, with herself trapped in Sandy's comforting hug, she needed not to act strong. She didn't need to feign as if she's okay, because that was Sandy, her own Sandy who knew her so much; who knew her own self more than she, who knew her by the back of her palm and she knew that no matter what kind of demon Sandy would find in her, she was sure that Sandy would love her still. And so, she cried.

Sandy tightened her hug around her, lips whispering sweet nothings and affirmations that the blonde needed so much. She let Cate cried on her neck while her hand gently rubbed her back.

"It's okay, baby. Everything will be fine. Dash is now okay and  he will be." Sandy uttered.

Cate sniffed as she backed away. She shyly wiped her tears as she stood in front of Sandy and the act itself made Sandy smile.

"I don't know what would I do without you." Cate mumbled softly as she looked at Sandy who was smiling down at her.

"You need not to worry because I am not going anywhere else. Wherever you are, I will be. I will follow your shadows anywhere in this world." Sandy replied, snaking her arms on Cate's waist, subtly pulling her close, "... smile for me, please?"

Cate smiled. Her heart beamed. How did she get so blessed to have Sandy? Nevertheless of the questioned ringing in her mind, Cate encircled her arms on Sandy's neck.

"I love you." Cate chimed in, "I love you so much and I am so thankful to  have you."

"I love you too." Sandy replied, leaning closer  'til she made their noses touched, "I cannot wait to marry you."

"I cannot wait to call you my wife, too."

Sandy laughed, "What surname we'll we be using?"

Cate bit her lip, "I badly wanna steal your surname. So I'm thinking Bullock. Catherine Elise Blanchett Bullock sounds great." She jested.

"Okay, baby. Bullock it is." Sandy whispered before she leaned in closer, capturing the blonde's lips into a kiss. "Let get this to bed?" She whispered,  gently tugging on the blonde's lower lips.

"Yes, please."


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