Chapter 26

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Leafpaw's fur flashed with anger. She sprinted towards Swiftstrike's direction with the ferociousness of a rabid fox. The lean tabby was barely fazed by this move. He immediately moved over to the side, grabbing Leafpaw by the back of her neck and flinging her to the harsh, coarse dirt. Leafpaw wheezed in pain as she struggled to stand back up.

"Giving up?" Swiftstrike growled.

Leafpaw declared with a weak rasp, "Never. Never in a million moons. Not until you're dead."

"Aw, what an honorable act of heroism." Swiftstrike let out a cold cackle. "I'm sure your Clanmates will be proud when they find your dead body."

"I'm not scared of dying! Especially if it means no one has to see your rotten face again!" Leafpaw slowly got up and swiped her claws at her opponent. Again, Swiftstrike had predicted her moves, so she completely missed.

"I don't want to fight you, Leafpaw. Let's resolve this like proper cats – with words. After you hear what I have to say, you would know my intentions are anything but malicious if you're smarter than a rat."

Ignoring the offer, Leafpaw lunged herself at Swiftstrike. She managed to pin him to the ground, however, the senior warrior raked her belly in response. It sent Leafpaw running away as she yowled in pain.

Swiftstrike hissed, "Listen, apprentice! All this useless fighting will only end in your defeat and you know it!"

Leafpaw refused to stop, fueled with determination. The apprentice latched herself onto Swiftstrike's back while biting down on his neck. Effortlessly, Swiftstrike shook her off. She fell to the ground with a thump.

"What are you going to do now? Tackle me again like a kit?"

Although she desperately tried to get back up, Leafpaw realized she barely had the strength to do so. She had barely eaten during her journey and the effects of her traveling herbs were beginning to wear off. With no other choice, she sighed in defeat, letting her body fall down.

"Fine, you got me. What do you want to say?"

"Finally you've come to your senses-"

"Cut the small talk and get to the point!"

Swiftstrike flinched at the apprentice's boldness, then continued, "You love your Clan, Leafpaw, don't you?"

"Of course. I've worked my whole life to protect it."

"Then why are you trying to stop me?"

"Cats have suffered because of you! You've literally killed and attacked your own Clanmates just because they aren't Clan-born! You even tried to kill your own apprentices!"

"It's a shame you feel that way. I'm simply fixing FrostClan."

"FrostClan is perfect the way it is. You're the one tearing it apart."

"You call a Clan filled to the brim with outsiders perfect? If the founder of the Clans could see what FrostClan has become, they'd be disgusted. Just like you, what I've done all this time is protect it."

"Protect it? That's mouse-brained. You're nothing but a filthy traitor."

"A traitor to what exactly?"

"Your own Clan and what it means to be a warrior. A real warrior protects all their Clanmates, Clan-born or not!"

Swiftstrike roared with laughter. "Oh my- you actually think that- you must be joking! I bet you don't even know the first word of the Warrior Code!"

"What about it? Doehoof told me she'll teach me it when my warrior ceremony is near."

"Mentors these days... always teaching their apprentices the Warrior Code during the last days of training. No wonder you're so naive."

Shattered Roots #1: The Last LeafWhere stories live. Discover now