Chapter 21

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Water rushed into Leafpaw's throat. The apprentice could hardly gasp for air as her attacker tried to push her into the river further. Out of desperation, she started kicking violently using her hind legs. Like a rabid hare, she rapidly clawed at the attacker. She could hear it yowl in pain. Soon enough, the attacker loosened its grip and Leafpaw could wriggle out.

She emerged out of the water, breathing heavily and coughing. She shook freezing droplets of water off her fur as she glared at the mysterious attacker who was a light gray tabby tom. Before she could take a good look at him, he ran away into the forest. 'That must be Birchpaw! I knew that murderer would make me his next victim!' she thought with fury.

Leafpaw chased him persistently despite her injuries. The cold wind brushed against her damp pelt. She caught up to him after much effort. Pinning her attacker to the ground, she gritted her teeth. After her vision cleared up, she recognized him – but he wasn't Birchpaw after all.

"Swiftstrike?" she snarled. "Why did you drown me?!"

Swiftstrike growled at the apprentice. "That was you? I had no idea."

"Really? Then what were you doing there drowning a random cat?"

"I scented Birchpaw near the territory border during a patrol today. I saw you near the Stream Of Leaping Fish and without thinking any further, I tried to attack you, thinking you were him."

"I don't even look like him! Only a mouse would mistake me for him."

"Are you comparing me to prey? How dare you speak to a warrior like that, especially one far older than you? Now, can you please get off of me?"

Leafpaw placed her paws off of the older warrior and sat down. She still could hardly believe his reasoning but decided not to question it any further. Her mind was too tired to argue even if she wanted to. 'Swiftstrike's a senior warrior anyway. Maybe he just jumps to conclusions like any elder would,' she justified.

Without another word escaping his mouth, Swiftstrike walked back to camp. Leafpaw shivered at what had just happened today. "This night is probably the weirdest one I'll ever have in moons!" she whispered to herself.


Sun-rise shone faintly into the apprentices den the next day. Leafpaw was still fast asleep in her moss bed unlike the other apprentices who were ready to take orders from their respective mentors. She slept at moon-high, meaning that she had gotten little time to

"Leafy? Hey, Leafy? C'mon, it's time to wake up," Owlpaw called softly. He nudged his muzzle onto her neck.

Leafpaw simply let out a grumble in response. Opening her droopy eyes, she yawned and stretched out her body. "Is it sun-rise already?" she slurred. "I barely got a blink of sleep last night."

"Any cat in the den can see that. Get up, you sleepy head! Doehoof's waiting for you!"

Leafpaw stretched her body and yawned groggily. She practically dragged herself outside the den. With a sluggish pace, she approached Doehoof who was standing next to Owlpaw and Featherstep near the camp entrance.

"Leafpaw," Doehoof informed. "Today you will undergo a hunting assessment with Owlpaw. Your task is to hunt for prey at the Stream Of Leaping Fish and its surroundings. Me and Featherstep will watch you two in secret."

Featherstep continued, "You will be judged based on your form, strategy, and stealth! Give us your best performance – this is one of the last stages of your apprentice training and you need to show us all you've got. Your assessment ends at sun-fall, so make sure you have enough prey by that time!"

Shattered Roots #1: The Last LeafWhere stories live. Discover now