Chapter 11

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The sun rose the next morning. Leafpaw sluggishly got up from her moss bed, still clearly exhausted from the earlier night. She looked around the apprentices' den with tired eyes. In a corner, Owlpaw was stretching as if he had just woken up as well.

"Well, you look as ruffled as a badger," Leafpaw teased, walking towards the red tom.

Owlpaw yawned, "Finally you're awake! You never wake up this late. Not only that, you still look sleepy. Did you spend all night chasing a blue mouse?"

"Oh, I was just uh, having trouble sleeping last night! What are you up to today?"

"If I'm not mistaken, Featherstep's gonna test my fighting skills, the usual. But I did hear some cats mentioning that I'll join the gathering tonight, so that's really good news. I haven't joined one in two moons!"

"I hope I'm joining as well, gatherings seem fun."

"They are! It's ripe with gossip too. Last time I entered a gathering, I heard that Needlestar, SparkClan's leader, was secretly mates with Torrentflow when he was a warrior."

"What? That can't be true. Are you just messing with me?" Owlpaw laughed at Leafpaw's skepticism.

"All cats who are old enough to catch their own prey, gather around the high rock for a Clan meeting!" Pebblestar called. Every warrior, apprentice, and elder stepped out of their den to listen to their leader. Leafpaw padded towards the clearing.

"As you know, tonight's full moon marks the latest gathering of all four Clans. The cats joining the gathering are Skunktail, Doehoof, Littlefoot, Breezeheart, Stormrunner, Robinpaw, Leafpaw, Owlpaw, and Morningpaw." 'Yes! I'm joining the gathering!' Leafpaw thought excitedly.

"I also have another announcement to make. Last night, Nightpaw and Sandclaw were attacked by a badger while out training. Nightpaw is severely injured, while Sandclaw has disappeared. Last moon-rise, our border patrol couldn't find any trace of him, which means the badger most likely killed him. Tonight, a vigil will be held to honor our fallen warrior." Mews of grief were heard from all cats. 'Sandclaw must've been a great warrior. What did he do to deserve this?' Leafpaw thought with sorrow.

Pebblestar dismissed the meeting. The graceful leader stepped down from the high rock. A voice in Leafpaw's head told her to talk to her mother, so she approached Pebblestar, walking slowly as her body filled to the brim with anxiety.

"Pebblestar? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Leafpaw asked softly.

Pebblestar looked surprised. "Sure, Leafpaw. How's apprentice life so far? Exciting?"

"Uh, it's great!" Leafpaw fidgeted with her paws as she spoke.

Pebblestar tilted her head affectionately. "Have you learned how to hunt yet?"

"Yeah, yeah. I have learned it a few moons ago." 'Wow, for a Clan leader, she's bad at small talk. Does she even know the first thing about me?' she wondered.

"I'm sorry, Leafpaw. You know, for being so caught up with my duties. I wish I could spend more time with you, but I'm not sure-"

"Pebblestar, I need to discuss something with you," Swiftstrike interrupted. "It's very urgent."

Pebblestar paused for a moment to think. "Very well, Swiftstrike. Sorry, Leafpaw. I have to take care of something. I'll see you around."

"But, Pebblestar!" Leafpaw insisted, reaching her paw out. However, her mother had gone into the leader's den before she knew it. She groaned, frustrated with the fact that she failed her attempt to have a normal talk with someone she should know well. 'Others think I'm lucky to be the leader's kit, but I'd beg to differ!' she thought.


"Someone's looking grumpier than usual," Doehoof commented, stepping towards Leafpaw. "Something nagging your tail?"

Leafpaw hung her head low. "It's nothing..."

"Cheer up then, Leafpaw. We have a long day to practice fighting before the gathering," Doehoof reminded. She sat down to lick her chest fur.

Leafpaw lifted her chin. "Fighting? Finally! I've been waiting for us to actually do it!"

Doehoof purred. With a tilt of her head, she signaled Leafpaw to follow her. The pair trotted through the frosty snow.

Doehoof stopped once they reached a clearing in front of a large tree. Leafpaw leaped onto a rock which was half her size, balancing on it for fun. However, she failed to keep her body stable enough, causing her to fall. Doehoof chuckled at the funny scene.

"Are you sure you can defeat your enemy if you're as clumsy as that?" she asked while giggling.

Leafpaw instantly got back on her paws. "I can, I was just, uh, sleepy!"

"Well, you're most likely going to face enemies at any time - sleepy or not. Which is why I'm training you to be well skilled at any condition." Without warning, she crouched and leaped for Leafpaw's side, instantly knocking her over.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!"

"Exactly. However, as a warrior, you must be ready at all times. Never let down your guard, your enemy won't fight you fairly. I suppose now would be the best time to show me your fighting moves. Pretend that I am your opponent."

Doehoof wrestled with Leafpaw, pinning her to the ground. Leafpaw instantly kicked her mentor's belly with her hind legs. Doehoof let out a shriek, bouncing off of Leafpaw.

"That was quite impressive, you reacted better than before. But can you avoid this?"

She ran straight to Leafpaw as fast as a diving bird. Leafpaw dropped to a defensive crouch, dodging the attack. Doehoof rolled to the ground. She sprang back up and twisted around Leafpaw. As brisk as the wind, she clasped Leafpaw's back onto the dry, hard snow.

"Woah, how did you do that?" the apprentice asked, bewildered.

"It's simple - you have to outsmart the cat you're fighting. I've seen you train, you're a smart cat and I know this wouldn't be too difficult for you. Now, try to outsmart me."

Leafpaw stood up firmly. Her eyes scanned the area, trying to take advantage of her surroundings. She spotted a large tree which seemed easy to climb. 'I'll run to Doehoof at full speed, then I'll climb that tree quickly. After that, I'll jump off of it and land on her!' she planned.

Leafpaw charged at Doehoof. She ran in a zig-zag pattern to confuse her mentor. Doehoof dodged with ease, but she did not see Leafpaw's next move coming. Leafpaw climbed up the tree and jumped off. Landing on Doehoof's back, she tried her best to stay on. Despite her efforts, Doehoof shook her off without breaking a sweat. Leafpaw panted, laying on top of the icy frost.

Doehoof complimented, "It seems like you were listening. Although your way of using your environment to your advantage is quite impressive, you need to improve on your speed and your strength. You took way too long deciding on what to do. If this were a real battle, your enemy would've torn you to shreds by now."

"Aw, can I try again?" Leafpaw requested. Doehoof beamed at the apprentice's boldness.


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