Chapter 18

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"All cats who are old enough to hunt, gather around the high rock for a Clan meeting," Pebblestar announced.

The previous night had passed by in a flash. Leafpaw spent her time trying to sleep through the Clan's frantic meows. Although she fell asleep quickly, she still felt uneasy, as if something at the back of her mind was telling her that Birchpaw was innocent after all. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake off this feeling. 'If you mouse-brains ever tried to get to know him, you'd know that he'd never hurt a fly.' Silverpaw's words from the previous night burned in Leafpaw's head.

As Leafpaw stood beneath the high rock to witness Birchpaw's exile, her heart wrenched with guilt. She watched in despair, seeing Silverpaw whose eyes were filled with tears, her mouth twisting with frustration. Birchpaw appeared devastated as well. He stood right in front of the high rock, not even daring to look up. His tail slumped against his hind legs and his ears drooped down.

Leafpaw approached Silverpaw who was sitting in a quieter area of the camp. She whispered, "Silverpaw, I'm so sorry. I know he was your-"

"Close friend? Yeah, he was," Silverpaw responded in a monotone voice. "But I guess you wouldn't like the idea of me befriending a murderer. After all, he's so evil and mean and dangerous that he's the only cat I can truly confide in!" Her last sentence was laced with a mocking tone which annoyed Leafpaw terribly.

"Stop being sarcastic. Everyone in this Clan knows he's dangerous!"

"Oh really? Is he actually dangerous, or have you, Owlpaw, and Morningpaw been pointing your tails mindlessly at the lonely, mysterious cat who seems like an easy target?"

"We weren't pointing mindlessly; it literally took days for us to solve this case! We saw him attacking Swiftstrike!" Leafpaw tried her best to not blow up in front of her friend, knowing it would cause a scene.

"Did you actually see him attacking Swiftstrike? Have you ever seen him attacking anyone on purpose? Have you ever seen him intending to cause any harm?"

"No... no I have not." Leafpaw remembered Birchpaw's tendency to jump into battle without a second thought. 'Silverpaw has a point. He thinks with his claws rather than his mind.'

"Just admit it. You and your friends never even liked Birchpaw in the first place, didn't you? That's why it was so easy to put the blame on him."

Leafpaw blinked with confusion. "But he's a very suspicious cat and-"

"Answer my question. Did you ever like him in the first place? Did you ever try to befriend him? Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the reason why you think he's suspicious is because you can't look beyond his prickly skin? Or maybe you think he's untrustworthy because he used to be a kittypet?" Every question that spilled out of Silverpaw's mouth felt like claws scratching against Leafpaw's own neck.

"No, I did not." After a short pause, Leafpaw insisted, "But that doesn't change the fact that he's a threat."

"Stop accusing him!"

"Hey, what's going on here?" Doehoof asked as she walked towards the two apprentices. "Save your arguing for later, it looks like Pebblestar is almost ready with her decision. Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, Doehoof," Silverpaw replied coldly. "Absolutely nothing." The gray she-cat moved to a spot where she could see Birchpaw better. All Leafpaw could do was frown in disappointment.

Pebblestar yelled, "We are gathered here today to exile Birchpaw who has been convicted of attacking and murdering our beloved Clanmates. Birchpaw, before you are exiled, would you like to say anything in your defense? If LightClan wills it, you may stay in this Clan. If LightClan says you are guilty, then you must leave immediately."

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