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A crisp breeze blew in the air, shaking the remaining leaves on the trees. A black tom and another tom with cherry red fur were walking through the quiet night. The trail they walked through was covered with dry leaves, making every step they took crackle in the silence.

The black tom stopped momentarily, then panted, "Ugh, are we there yet? My paws are sore!"

"It's only a few tail-lengths left, Grouchypaw," the red one replied. "Maybe we could arrive faster if you quit complaining."

"Stop calling me that. I have a name and it's Robinpaw. Plus, that's what you said the last time! I can't believe I trusted you to bring me to this 'secret herb place', Owlpaw. The worst part is that we might get caught trying to sneak out!"

Owlpaw turned to face Robinpaw with a huge smirk. "You wanted herbs, so I am taking you to the best place to find them. Besides, everyone has probably worked their heads off during that fight with SparkClan earlier! So relax, take a deep breath, and keep walking."

Robinpaw scoffed at his companion's words. "You always think you're right."

They kept following the leaf covered trail. Robinpaw's eyes scanned the dark areas. He flinched as soon as he spotted a dark figure lurking in the shadows. His eyes shot open and a chill ran through his spine.

"D-did you see that?" Robinpaw asked as his body froze.

"What do you mean? I don't see anything. You must be imagining things."

Robinpaw's body trembled terribly as he continued to walk through the trail. He had always been jumpy since he was a kit, freaking out whenever he heard a twig snapping or the howl of the wind. This was no difference, and it definitely gave him a good startle.

In the silence that was filled with hooting owls, footsteps crackled in the distance. Robinpaw's fur stood on its end and his body turned stiff.

"Ahh!" he cried in panic. "I think someone's following us! We should go back."

Owlpaw laughed at the sight of the medicine cat apprentice freaking out. "You scaredy cat, it's probably a squirrel. No one's following us. And guess what?"


"We're here! Are you happy-"

A lithe tabby leaped onto Robinpaw and sunk its claws into his fur. It slashed his ear and blood trailed out. Robinpaw let out a wail of pain.

He clawed at the tabby's flank. It yowled loudly and tossed him away. His body laid limp on the ground. Owlpaw started tackling the tabby from behind. With one big leap, he bit the rascal on its neck.

"Get lost, furball!" he yelled. However, the tabby's movement was lightning fast. It pushed away Owlpaw effortlessly.

The tabby headed for Robinpaw, running towards him with full speed. He struggled to get up, but managed to escape after Owlpaw helped.

The two toms decided to return to the FrostClan camp. Their hearts pounded so hard that they swore they could hear it beating. They ran as fast as a mouse who was being chased by a snake, never thinking to rest for a bit.

They stopped once they were near camp. Robinpaw sighed in relief as he felt his knees tremble. "This is why I shouldn't have asked you to help me, you almost got us killed!"

Owlpaw rolled his eyes. "I didn't put ourselves in danger. That darn tabby did." Robinpaw didn't want to respond. Talking to Owlpaw feels like having a conversation with a crow sometimes.

Robinpaw looked around to see if the tabby had followed them. He saw no sign of it, but instead he spotted a brown and red tortoiseshell. His fur was shimmering and his eyes resembled glowing orbs, unlike any living cat. Contrasting his graceful appearance, he wore an impatient grimace.

"Greetings, young one," it said. "It has been some time since we last met."

Robinpaw looked irritated. "Patchstar, I don't have time now! I literally almost died and now my lungs feel like they're going to collapse at any moment. Can we talk later once I get back to the camp?"

Patchstar hissed at the young black tom. He replied, "This is an urgent matter. LightClan has delivered me a prophecy and they sent me here to inform you about it. FrostClan will face a dangerous threat and-"

"What are you talking about, Patchstar? FrostClan is fine! We don't need vague prophecies that will fulfill itself in the end. We have enough prey, enough territory, and an abundant amount of warriors."

"That's what you think. Attacks have been plaguing our Clan for moons, killing off many of our Clanmates. No one knows who the culprit is and they could strike again at any moment. Are you sure we're safe?" Patchstar's voice was laced with irritation. "Now, listen closely, young one..."

Owlpaw turned his head around to face Robinpaw. He was confused because the tom seemed to be talking to himself - or that's what he thought.

"Robinpaw? Who are you talking to?" he asked. Robinpaw didn't answer. "Robinpaw? Hello?"

Robinpaw suddenly shook his whole body and rushed to FrostClan's camp.

"Owlpaw, we need to get back now!" he cried.

The red tom followed after him, confused. "What has gotten into you, you silly crow?"

"LightClan has given me a prophecy!"

A/N: Oops sorry for the rushed scenes aksakjskjkjkd

Feel free to give me any writing critique or advice in the comments

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