Chapter 16

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"Hey, are you alright?" Owlpaw asked out of concern.

Leafpaw bit into her mouse once she sat on her moss bed. She reassured, "I'm fine, don't worry about it. Birchpaw gave me a few scratches, that's all."

"He practically mauled you! If you need anything, please tell me. I'll ask Molestripe to get some herbs for you."

Owlpaw's words sent a blush to Leafpaw's face. "Thanks, but, I don't need any of that right now. My wounds are healing just fine."

Owlpaw looked away, the sunset light shining on his red fur. He took a bite out of a pigeon he managed to catch. Drooping his ears, he averted his gaze to the falling snowflakes outside.

He huffed, "Birchpaw's got to be up to something, don't you think so, Leafy?"

"Hold on, Leafy? What's that?"

"It's a nickname I came up with!"

"Don't call me that, it sounds weird."

"Just admit it, you like it."

"Never in a million moons!"

"Ugh, you're no fun sometimes." Owlpaw pouted.

"Well, I do agree with what you said about Birchpaw. He seems pretty shady and I don't know what his deal is. It's as if he's always hiding behind a prickly skin."

"Hey guys!" Morningpaw chimed in from the entrance. He hopped toward the two discussing apprentices. "What'cha talking about?"

Leafpaw waved her paw in response. She whispered to Owlpaw, "Do you think we should tell him about the Birchpaw thing?"

"Tell me about what?"

Owlpaw let out a groan, "Just tell him. He's not going to hurt our chances of finding the truth anyway."


Morningpaw gasped, "That monster! I never trusted a single whisker on that cat the day I knew him."

Owlpaw spat, "I don't believe a word he says, especially his excuse for hurting Leafpaw like that."

"I used to think Swiftstrike was ridiculous for not letting him into the Clan but now I can completely see where he's coming from!"

"As much as I hate so say it, I kinda agree with you."

Leafpaw licked a chunk of fur under her paw. Her mind kept on flowing like a rushing river as she pondered the information she received. 'Why do I get the feeling that Birchpaw's a part of something larger?' she asked herself.

"You know what would be crazy? What if he was actually behind the recent attacks in our Clan?"

As soon as those words were spoken, realization hit Leafpaw like a boulder. She jolted up from her moss bed as if a rat had bitten her. The revelation was terrifying but it made so much sense.

"Morningpaw, that's not far fetched at all! Maybe he really is behind these attacks!" she yelped. "That explains everything. You remember what the victims of the attacks said, right?"

"T-they said that the attacker was a light gray tabby. Some of the victims also told me that the attacker was a very quick fighter. Doesn't that remind you of him?" Owlpaw and Leafpaw mumbled their agreements.

"That also explains why he returned right after Quailpaw was found injured. He must have nearly killed that poor apprentice!"

"That means... he's responsible for the death of my father," Owlpaw croaked. "We need to tell Pebblestar before more cats fall into his claws."


"What?" Pebblestar questioned.

Leafpaw insisted, "We know what we saw, Birchpaw's obviously behind all these attacks!"

"I'm sorry, but without sufficient evidence that can prove it, BIrchpaw is innocent." Pebblestar's tail wagging with impatience.

"But we have plenty of evidence. The eyewitness accounts match up perfectly with his appearance and behavior."

"I'd say the evidence vaguely matches. The attacker that they described could have been anyone."

"Still, you shouldn't ignore our findings. We finally have a lead to solve this mystery."

"Fine. Let's say Birchpaw really is the attacker. What would be his motivation? What is his goal? Have you ever thought of that?"

"W-well, I don't know... But what if more cats get attacked?" Owlpaw and Morningpaw nodded their heads.

"Then, I'll have to increase border patrols and make sure our warriors are ready for anything. Once again, there's no solid proof that Birchpaw's the attacker. I don't want to spend the whole night debating with you three so it's best that you return to your den."

Leafpaw's heart dropped. She stopped herself from fighting about it even further, remembering what happened after the gathering. All she could do was sigh in disappointment. She started to walk back to the apprentices' den, her head low to the ground.

"I can't believe it," Owlpaw said in a loud whisper.

Pebblestar turned her head. "What did you say?"

"I can't believe it! So, you're telling me that there's an threat in the Clan and you're doing practically nothing about it?"

"I am doing things to solve the issue. I've been increasing patrols and preparing our warriors. Now, return to your den or-"

"Increasing patrols, really? Really? That's all you can do and have done all this time? Not to mention the fact that we have found a possible answer and you turn us down! How about you? I haven't seen you making any effort to investigate yourself."

Pebblestar was astounded by the apprentice's brave statements. Before she could respond, Owlpaw continued.

"Look, we're going to gather more evidence to prove our point. If you excuse us, we're going back to our dens just like you said. Good night, Pebblestar." He tipped his head with respect and escorted his friends out of the leader's den.

"I'm going to chat with the elders," Morningpaw informed. "You guys can go back without me!" The yellow tom walked away, leaving Leafpaw and Owlpaw behind.

Leafpaw exhaled, "Thanks for standing up to Pebblestar. It takes a lot of guts to say something like that, especially to a leader."

"Ah, it was nothing. I'd do anything for Morningpaw and you, Leafy."

"Hey, I told you not to call me Leafy!"

"What are you going to do about it? Bite my legs off?"

The two apprentices giggled like kits. The dreaded feeling they had in their chests melted away right after. "Sniff ya' later! All this yelling has made me sleepy," Owlpaw mewed while walking away.

'I'm going to prove to Pebblestar that Birchpaw's really behind those attacks,' Leafpaw decided.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!! I wanted to cover the realization part specifically without focusing on other plot lines soooo yeah.... hope yall enjoyed it nonetheless

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