Chapter 14

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The harsh cold didn't improve Leafpaw's mood. She felt bored to death, cooped up in the elders' den. The past hour had been spent replacing moss beds and providing herbs for Breezeheart and Torrentflow, the two frail elders.

"Torrentflow, are those poppy seeds reducing your soreness?" she checked.

Torrentflow nodded. "This moss bed is quite damp, however. Would you be a dear and get some more?"

"But I just changed it moments ago!"

Torrentflow advised, "Well, you should get better moss next time."

Leafpaw groaned as she grabbed more moss, making sure it was dry this time. She returned with the new patch in her mouth, placing it on the ground. Torrentflow meowed his gratitude. He plopped down on the comfortable bedding, his whole body far more relaxed now.

Swiftstrike dashed into the den as flakes of snow fell off his fur. "Leafpaw, Pebblestar said you can continue your apprentice duties again," he informed. "You'll be training with me, Quailpaw, and Morningpaw. Now, follow me."

"Finally!" Leafpaw whispered under her breath.

The two cats made their way to the camp entrance. In front of the shrubs, Morningpaw and Quailpaw sat idly. Morningpaw's face brightened up when he saw them approaching, contrasting Quailpaw who seemed more nervous at the sight of his mentor. Afterwards, they all headed to a clearing surrounded by slender trees. The soil was still relatively soft in this area with tiny blades of grass sticking out of it.

"Doehoof has informed me of your progress with your fighting skills. She told me that she's impressed. Judging by her words and last night's feud at the gathering, it seems like you're shaping up to be quite the fighter," Swiftstrike observed. "Very well, I want to see your combat abilities, this time against someone your own size."

"Am I going to be battling Leafpaw? Please, please, please let me!"

"No, I'm afraid not. I'm sending you on a hunting mission instead. Hunt as much prey as you can nearby the Stream of Leaping Fish. Return when the sun starts to set."

Morningpaw excitedly galloped away. Leafpaw was left with Quailpaw in the clearing. The brown tabby tom looked as shabby as a haggard piece of fresh-kill. His legs trembled slightly at the cold. Despite these traits, there was eagerness in his eyes, as if he was ready to take on Leafpaw. Swiftpaw stood between the two apprentices. With the flick of his tail, he signaled for the fight to begin.

Quailpaw took a huge hurdle. His claws stretched out as he aimed for Leafpaw's rear. The she-cat instantly ducked, speeding away from him. After Quailpaw landed, he twisted to scratch at his opponent. Leafpaw cried as she felt nails dig into her shoulder, causing her to shake Quailpaw off. 'Is this a training session or an actual brawl?' she thought.

Quailpaw charged at Leafpaw again. She swiftly dodged, climbing up a tree and throwing herself onto the tom's back. They rolled in the snow, tussling to break free from each other's grip. The apprentices came to a stop once they bumped into a boulder. Leafpaw pinned down Quailpaw with her unsheathed claws in the air. She resisted the urge to hurt the tabby any further so she simply bared her teeth.

"Why are you stopping?" Swiftstrike hissed. "Don't tell me you're going to pause like that in a real battle!"

Leafpaw could feel icy eyes staring down at her, encouraging the fight to carry on. Nevertheless, she was still hesitant to harm her challenger. She exhaled, releasing Quailpaw from her grasp. Quailpaw was still laying on top of the snow, surprised by Leafpaw's decision. Breathing uneasily, he stood up, taking a few steps back.

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