Chapter 7 The Lab

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Louis's Pov

Me and the lads were stunned into silence. I was completely confused. I've never seen Harry with this much confidence dealing with the two strangers but he's right. His gut never lies. But I'm still confused to shit about what these two strangers just said.

We're heroes? And there's villians? What?

"What?" Harry was the first to speak up. I glanced at the other lads to see that they were shocked and confused too but when Harry spoke up, they were ripped from their trances.

"I think its best if we go to my lab. There, I could explain everything better, promise," the man, who I think is named James, said with a kind smile. He seemed honest enough and I really wanted an explanation for all of this because I'm clearly shitting myself.

"Alright then, we'll go," Harry nodded absently.

"Great! Just follow us," James waved us on.

"Wait, can we head to our flat first?" Zayn asked. I glanced at him, tilting my head a bit and he just gave me a look that said 'just go with it.' I just nodded slightly so he could catch that I knew what he meant.

"Sure. Our car is near the end of your street anyway. We'll wait there and then we could properly introduce ourselves then," the woman said.

"Alright," Harry nodded. The two strangers walked out of the meadow first and we started to follow slowly.

"Why do we have to go to our flat? I just want them to explain everything," Liam siad with a low voice.

"I would like to get my phone, you dimwit," Zayn sighed. "And I don't know. I just kinda wanted to stall. I nervous."

"We all are," I nodded. "This shit is crazy. I mean come on, heroes?"

The lads hummed and we continued to walk through the woods behind the two strangers. Well I guess I couldn't call them strangers for long.

My mind was buzzing still and I'm guessing the lads are buzzing too. We kept in a tense silence, none of us really wanting to talk with them in front of us. They both seemed nice enough but also have a seriousness to them and they weren't joking when they called us the, supposedly, new heroes.

But I then reminded myself that Harry has a gut feeling about them and it wasn't a bad one so I completely trusted him. And if something did happen, I was with the others when they said they would use their powers to get out off the situation.

We broke through the tree's edge and the sun poured out, stepping into the small field. The man and the woman continued walking in the direction of a black BMW which was in the opposite direction of our flat, across the street.

Before they got to far away from us they turned back toward us.

"We'll be waiting here. Do you lads want to take your own car and follow us? Or do you want to ride with us?" James asked, kindly. I looked towards the lads.

Zayn leaned closer to us and whispered, "It'd be easier if some of us ride with them. I don't think all of us could fit so me and Liam could ride my motorcycle there."

"Thats fine with me," I whispered back, Niall, Harry and even Liam agreeing. I knew he wasn't exactly happy about all of this so I expected him to be reluctant. He has been a bit apprehensive about this whole situation.

"We'll ride with you guys but two of us will follow behind," Harry answered for us, turning to the man and woman.

"Alright, then," James nodded. They turned around and continued walking to their car. Me and the lads sped walked to our flat, me personally trying to force myself not to run. When we got to our door, Harry wasted no time getting his keys out and unlocking the door.

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