Chapter 16 Meeting Them

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Zayn's Pov

There was a spike of fear in my gut and with a look from Liam, I knew he felt it too. Me and Liam, along with the lads, followed Eleanor to where she led us to another part of the lab. This lab was more technical and I saw James there sitting in front of a big screen hung up on the wall in front of him connected to a keyboard.

His face was pale and eyes wide, face stripped of the warm smile he usually has on. He turned to us as we came in.

"I don't know how they're able to contact us but they can't hear us right now. I traced their connection back to London," He breathed nervously.

Me and the lads nervously crept behind James and looked over his shoulder to see four people sitting about in what looked like their own lounging or meeting room.

One of them had dyed silver hair with pale purple eyes. Her hair was cut short in a pixie cut and she was dressed in a simple black dress that covered her arms and went down to her knees. She had on a pair of matching black flats, her whole outfit making her skin and and the iris hanging behind her hair shine and glitter.

One who sat near her had black and green dyed hair with snake bites and other piercings on his face. His skin was more tan then the silver haired one and he was dressed in shades of greens, purples and blacks with zipped up faded black combat boots in a mix of a punk and grunge style.

In the corner was one that intimidated me the most. Probably because she was playing with a dagger and using it to dig at her nails. She was a bright ginger with dull grey eyes and freckled pale skin. She was wearing a simple pair of ripped jeans and a red flannel, that made her hair even brighter, over a black tank top and old converse.

Finally, the last person sat near the our screen and his eyes were on us. His eyes made me shiver as they seemed to meet my own. One of his eyes was a deep blue, almost black and the other was a glazed over white with a pale pink scar over it. He seemed like the most normal out of the four of them with his dark brown hair and simple dark jeans and black tee.

We watched in silence while he turned to the others, his mouth moving in muted dialog. Then suddenly, all of them moved closer to the screen, each of the unique people staring at us with interested eyes and gleaming smirks.

I took a step back. Even though we were separated by a screen, it still racked my nerves knowing they were the villains and lived so close.

"So that's them?" Louis said almost emotionlessly.

James nodded stiffly. "Exactly what my family's journals described. If they're correct; the silver haired one is iris, the ginger is Mala, the black and green haired one is Slin and then Matthew. Ashes isn't there which I expected if they ever made an appearance. What surprised me is how they're making their appearance over technology and not in person."

Eleanor hummed an agreement. "You're right. It is suspicious. Especially since I would think that they wouldn't know how to use it but."

She clicked her tongue and we went back to watching them. They were motioning us to unmute ourselves.

"Should we?" I asked, knowing that the others would get what I'm asking. "I mean they want to talk and I don't think they'll stop bothering us if we ignore them. They might even get mad for it and then risk lives just to gets us to talk."

"You're right," Neil muttered. "Do it, James. Better to do it and get over with and not have them do something to risk innocents. Especially since these boys aren't ready enough."

"Just, let's get this over with," James practically growled before tapping his keyboard, effectively unmuting us.

"Finally chose to speak to us? We've been waiting for quite a long time," The missed matched eye one spoke almost immediately after James unmuted us. The one James said was called Matthew.

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