Chapter 2 Adventure

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Niall's Pov

I was proper buzzing right now. First day of summer and I was excited! I would get to spend it with the lads like we planned and I just know it will be the best summer ever!

As the door shuts behind us, the cool air of England hits us and I smiled wide. I lead them to the small field next to our flat. I couldn't wait to spend time with the lads before Uni and hopefully my ship will sail! Sure yeah I would be living with two couples but I would be happy for my bestmates and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Even now as we're walking through the small field with many wildflowers and weeds to the woods, we used to hang out in during our middle school years when we were starting out being bestmates. The memories always make me smile wide as I remember how fast we all became friends and now here we are.

"Hey, lads, want to go to the meadow we found? Make a bonfire there or somethin'?" I asked, breaking Zayn and Liam from their own world and Harry and Louis from their quiet trance.

"Sure. Doesn't matter," Louis shrugged.

"Well it does. Don't want to start a forest fire," Harry giggled. "That's fine, Ni."

I grinned at him and he returns it before jogging up to meet my stride.

"Ooo!" Another idea popped in my head. "Why don't we have a camping night?!"

I turned around to my other mates, a huge smile on my face.

"Thats sounds like a great idea," Louis said in a sarcastic awed voice, which I caught immediately. I stopped walking and pouted at him. The others laughed at me and I couldn't help but to join them.

"Yeah, that'll be fun. Me and Liam could get some blankets, snacks and stuff?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah that'll be good," I smirked. "Just don't shag. We aren't gonna wait for you all night."

Zayn blushed and coughed into his hand while Liam smacked me on the shoulder with a playful scowl on his face. I laughed at him, with Harry and Louis joining in lightly.

"We won't. We'll meet you lads at the meadow, right?" Liam asked turning to go back to our flat with Zayn's hand in his.

"Yeah. We'll start the fire and stuff," Louis said jogging up to me and Harry.

"Alright," With that, they walk off back to our flat.


Zayn's Pov

Me and Liam swung our hands back and forth between us as we walked back to our flat. We didn't talk but thats what made it relaxing. Me and Liam have been dating since the summer after freshman year when he asked me out.

I've had a crush on him since our second year in middle school and I wasn't sure if he was gay or bi. To be honest, I thought he was straight. But now here we are, about three and a half years later, together and happy.

"What snacks do you think we should bring, babe?" Liam asked suddenly. I blushed lightly at the pet name. Of course, I always do and will always.

"Preferably, lots of sweets," I hummed after thinking. "You know how much Niall loves sweets."

Liam chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe bring some beer or something too. And crisps," he added and I hummed an agreement. We walked up the steps of our flat. I took out my key, seeming as Liam forgot his, and unlocked the door, making my way inside. I held the door open and Liam walked in past me. I closed it behind me and followed Liam in.

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