Chapter 11 Preparing For What's To Come

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Liam's Pov

I wasn't happy about Harry's decision. I agreed with Louis about sealing the wisps but everyone was taking Harry's side. Although, this whole decision was kinda based on Harry's opinion but I'm still worried for the lad.

He tends to hide his emotions behind a well built mask and doesn't share them with anyone, not even us, until it gets too much and he either explodes or sinks further into his shell.

As Harry stood up to the door, we followed him. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Zayn glancing at me so I slowed down to meet his pace as the others brush past us and out the room.

"You don't like this, don't you?" Zayn murmured. I only shook my head and he sighed. He said nothing else, walking past me and out the room with me following his tail.

We caught up with the others but it was clear we didn't know where to actually go. I mean, we've never been in this huge mansion before and we didn't exactly get a tour.

"Does anyone remember which way to go?" Louis chuckled, all of us slowing to a stop in the middle of prestine hallway with many closed doors. The click of heels echoed, then, and around the corner, Eleanor appeared.

"Hey, boys!" She greeted with a cheerful smile. "How was your morning?"

We muttered our greetings and told her our morning was fine.

"Don't know where to go?" She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice with an arch of her manicured eyebrow as she took in our facial expressions that made us look like lost puppies. We all nodded and she just chuckles.

"Follow me then boys," she waved us on, turning on her heel. "I'll have to give you guys a tour later. For now, breakfast."

She smirked over her shoulder, leading us down the hallway she came from, turning right which led to an opening. As we got closer, it led to the stairs.

"James should be there already. Have you guys made your decision?" She asked nervously as we all stepped off the last step off the rich, redwood grand staircase. I sighed deeply through my nose because we did in fact make a decision.

"We did," Harry nodded from his place next to her, Louis and Niall behind them and me and Zayn taking the back. She glanced at Harry, from where I could see, anxiously but he kept his eyes foward, following her steps.

"Oh...ok. Good," She nodded and went silent too but it was awkward and uncomfortable. We continued to walk in silence, Eleanor leading us down past the living room, turning to show another hidden room that I haven't seen. It was hidden beside the sitting area and the bookcase.

There was a doorway, which she led us through, that opened up to a huge modern kitchen and dining room with a big round table. As me and the lads walked in after Eleanor, we all gaped at the beautiful kitchen with marbled counters and black wood cupboards.

All of the appliances were a matching shiny black that went well with the grey and white marbling that gave off a cool aura. Underneath the dining table, which was a fresh dark wood color, was a beautiful twinkling crystal chandelier that hung gracefully.

It was simply beautiful and I relaxed from the homey vibe it gave off.

The smell of pancakes and eggs hit the air. I snapped out of my observing to see James there making breakfast. As the door closes, he looks up to see us.

He smiles. "Morning, lads."

We muttered back our greetings.

"Breakfast is almost done. Take a seat and we'll talk," He went back to what he was doing. None of us replied, only made our way to the lavish table.

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