Chapter 21 Date

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Harry's Pov

Zayn laughed as him and Niall made their way to join us by the railing. They had just got done with sparring and to say it was fun to watch was an understatement. Zayn won and Niall was pouting but couldn't help to let a small grin twitch his lips.

"That was fun," he chirped, quickly back to being a bubbly Irish. "Can't wait to do that again. Next time, me and you, Li?"

"Sure," Liam nodded.

"Well then, that just leaves me and you, Zayn," Louis said with a click of his tongue but a smirk to his lips. Zayn smirked back with a nod, a challenge in his eyes.

"Well until tomorrow then lads," James said suddenly, appearing besides us. "You're free to do whatever you'd like. Even train some more if you want, this training day was just a test run. You all could train whenever. But until then do what you like but first we would like to give you these."

Eleanor and Layla walked up beside us holding four colored watches. One watch was the color red, another was green, one was yellow and the last one was purple.

"These watches represent the color of your wisps," Layla explained. "These hold top notch communication transmitters. This will help us contact you anywhere you are when there is a crime or when a villain out attacking the city. These will also hold your suits and when you press this black button, it will activate the watches, you will be able to activate your suits to put them on."

Layla gave us a beaming smile as she held them out to the lads, pointing to the black button on the watch. There was a pang in my gut and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eleanor giving me a look of sympathy.

I ignored it and gave Louis a squeeze of his hand and he returned it before letting go to grab for the red watch that Layla held out to him. I watched as he laced it onto his wrist, checking it out as he did so.

"These are so cool," Niall beamed.

Zayn and Liam both gave murmurs of agreements.

"Yes, indeed. We had these designed so it would be easy to trace your locations and everything," James rocked on his heels, seemingly proud of his invention.

"Thanks, James," Louis looked up from his wrist and brought his hand down to locked our fingers together once more. I bit my lip to keep the splitting grin off my face.

"No problem, lads. Just remember, be ready for anything. And if you do go out on your own, be ready to hear my voice or any of the other's for any news on crimes or on the villains," James nodded in full seriousness.

"Of course," Liam nodded. Louis, Niall and Zayn also in all agreement.

"Good then," James clapped his hands. "You're free to do whatever. Me and the others are heading to the labs and we'll see for dinner, yes?"

We agreed and they left with farewells, heading deeper into the mansion, leaving just me and the lads in the training arena by ourselves.

"So what you lads goin' to do, ey?" Niall asked, Liam and Zayn moving to stand beside him across from us.

Louis glanced at me before looking back towards the lads. "Well, me and haz here are going off on our own."

I smiled and nodded while they shared a look before looking back towards us with smirks and suggestive eyebrows.

"Ah, like a date, right?" Zayn hummed, smirk still present.

"Yes," Louis answered immediately, no hesitation.

Liam chuckled and stopped Zayn and Niall from asking any more questions when he saw their mouths open.

"Well then, go and have fun you two. Don't get into any trouble," Liam said with a pointed look but I doubt Louis was hardly listening as he was already pulling me out the door, an adventurous look gleaming in his oceanous eyes.

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