Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"I can't believe I let Nathan talk me into this," I growl as I storm around my room. Brushing down my blazer annoyed, I can tell it has been hanging in my closet for too long. Grabbing one of my nicer black scarves, I wrap it around my face carefully and use some bobby pins to hold it in place.

"I mean it's your job, if they tell you to show up you have to," Click says tiredly. Glancing at her I can see the exhaustion in her face, she was up late working with me and I am not even sure why she is up now.

"Go back to bed Click," I say trying not to snap at her, she yawns and waves goodnight before disappearing.

Grabbing my work bag and a few things I might need, I try to straighten out my blazer again, only for it to curl back up. Grinding my teeth frustrated, I yank my short dark brown hair back into a ponytail before leaving. Securing the massive metal lock before I go, I feel guilty leaving Click alone in this building, but she should be fine. I certainly wouldn't want to be on the other end of waking her up.

Catching the closest bus I can, I ignore all of the stairs and people whistling at me. It takes me over an hour to get to work and I am almost late for my meeting. Breezing through the front door I hold up my ID for the guard to see and he stops me.

"Miss, I'm afraid we are going to have to ask you to remove your scarf," he says carefully.

"Make me," I snip before sidestepping him and walking away.

He probably stopped me because my ID doesn't even have a photo. But when I scan the elevator, it lets me hit the button for the eighteenth floor and I fly upwards. When the doors open to the floor, I flash my ID at the secretary before walking towards Nathan's office. Taking one very deep, calming breath, I knock on the door firmly. This isn't my first time in the office, but it has been over six months since I've been here.

"Beta!" Nathan says excitedly and I resist the urge to smack him.

"Hi Nathan, you didn't specify a meeting location so I stopped here first," I say, and I make a point of over articulating so he can hear me properly through the scarf. He's seen me enough times that he knows not to ask about it, and certainly knows to not ask me to take it off.

"It was in the email, but we can walk over together," he says unphased.

I don't remember there being a determined location, it didn't upload to my calendar. Hiking my bag higher on my shoulder, I follow one step behind Nathan, considering I barely have a clue where we are walking too. He stops outside a small, but very nice conference room and pauses to button his jacket.

"Ready?" He asks me.

I give him a confused look. Who are we meeting with that he would ask me that? I've met with his boss a few times here and there already. Walking in, my blood runs cold when I see her sitting at the table with her phone out. Her head whips up making her short curls bounce and she gives us a big smile before standing up. Nathan introduces himself quickly before turning to me.

"Mrs. Arlington, this is our beta tester... Beta," he says awkwardly, and I stick a hand out to shake firmly. Her gaze falters on my eyes and I know what she is seeing, and I sneer.

"Nice to meet you, Beta," she says quickly before shaking my hand and I crank my grip on her calloused hand before letting go and taking a seat. Pulling out the notebook I use to organize everything, I try to control my breathing and rage at the sight of this woman. She will easily be able to tell if I am angry, it is part of her ability after all. For once in my life, I need to keep a grip on my ire.

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