Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Waking up much later that day, I roll out of bed and walk to the kitchen in search of a proper meal. Heating up leftovers Click cooked, I eat in silence and get lost in thought. I can still feel the new tracker on my tooth, but I know I will forget it's there in a few days. Checking my phone, I can see Click is on her way home from school. The elevator dings and I look up to see Alexander walking in, still in suit from a work.

"Hey Xander," I say and take my last bite, and set my dish to soak.

"You worked thirty-six hours straight?" He asks me baffled and almost offended.

"I mean I took a few short breaks here and there," I say, and he leans against the island.

"You've got to be kidding me, Hadley. Why would you do that to yourself? Are you crazy?" He asks me exasperated and I roll my eyes.

"No, I wasn't going to be able to rest until I got everything done anyway. It's not the first time I've done that, and it probably won't be the last," I say, not seeing an issue.

"No, this is not okay. That is not going to happen again," Alexander says firmly, and I look at him confused.

"I don't see the issue; I would do this for work at my last company before. It wasn't ideal but I'm used to it," I say, and Alexander lets out a frustrated noise.

"Hadley, that isn't healthy! It's one thing to work overtime or work later hours because a deadline is coming up, but you quite literally worked for thirty-six hours straight! As your boss and friend, I cannot condone that behavior," he scolds me, and my temper flares.

"You sound like Cathleen," I snap at him.

"I wonder why! Maybe it's because I work with her every day and we share a company," he says sarcastically.

We enter a staredown as he gives me a disgruntled and disapproving look. I give him the same cold look I give everyone when I am angry, but the longer we stare the more I think about what he's saying. He's angry because he cares, he's angry because he wants me to be healthy. I didn't need to do it, and I know it wasn't the greatest choice, but I got a lot done. Walking around the island, I stand next to him.

"If it's any consolation, that's the first all-nighter I have pulled since I started working at Voyager, I used to do them monthly," I admit, and Alexander's gaze softens.

"This is why we all approved your contract as soon as Aviva suggested it," he says softly.


"Even Cathleen, she knew what she was signing up for. But we all wanted and knew you deserved better," he says seriously.

"I'm very thankful for the opportunity I was given, I hope you all know that. I've been able to do so much more since I started working at Voyager," I say, and Alexander's lips turn up slightly.

"You don't need to tell me that, we know how much you appreciate it, it shows in your work," he says, and I take another step forward. I can smell his cologne and laundry detergent now, cotton mixed with something woodsy.

"I will try not to pull an anxiety-induced double all-nighter again anytime soon, but I can't guarantee a normal all-nighter won't happen," I say and Alexander sighs but smiles at me.

"I have a feeling that's the best you are going to give me," he muses, and I grin.

"Yes, take it or leave it," I muse, and he drums his fingers on the counter before turning his gaze towards the window over the sink. The lilies he bought are still there, almost as beautiful as the day he bought them.

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