Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The next morning, I roll out of bed quite early. I have a lot of little things I want to do today, and I would rather not be bothered by a million people. Walking into the gym, I am thankful when it's empty. I go through a long leg day work out and do some heavy cardio before going upstairs, showering, and heading out to the archery range. I get an hour of free, range time because it's my birthday.

Walking over to my usual stall, I set up and become lost in the slow rhythm of shooting the arrows. I focus and start hitting the target in the center and I feel pride for once. Benjamin would be ecstatic that I stuck with archery after all this time, he could never get either of his boys to ever show any interest in it.

Walking back outside, the air is crisp and my nose tingles. I sink my face deeper into my scarf and start walking towards the grocery store. I glance around enamored at the frost still covering parts of the city. I've always loved winter the most, the world is always just a little calmer and the cold and snow make everything more beautiful.

Grabbing my order from the store, I continue on my long walk home and I relish in the peace of the walk. I have some soft music playing from my headphones and the sidewalks aren't quite as crowded as normal. Arriving back at Caspian, I feel my phone blowing up and I don't pick it up. When I step off the elevator, I see flour all over the counter and some in Click's hair.

"Happy Birthday!!" She screams excitedly, I drop my things on the couch, and she washes her hands before darting over to give me a massive hug. I laugh at her excitement and she hugs me tighter.

"Thank you, now how can I help?" I ask her.

"All the ingredients for the cake and dough are sorted and measured. Can you work on the dough?" She asks and I nod.

Walking over, I plug my phone into the speaker and start playing some of our favorite albums. Grabbing the ingredients for the dough I mix and follow the recipe I have memorized from my grandfather off of my dad's side. Click puts the cake batter in the oven before emptying the bag I brought home. We smoothly dance around each other in the kitchen and sing along to the music.

Working the dough over, I relish in the simplicity and calm of this moment as the music washes over as we just do the thing that really brought us together, cooking. I could always cook but Click is a phenomenal cook and has taught me so much and so many of the recipes her and her father made up over the years.

"Hadley, you have a few missed calls," Click says as we start cleaning up the flour everywhere.

"From who?"

"When I say everyone, I mean it," she says before checking her phone and I see a few missed calls on her phone.

"Cabe, Orion, Faith, Lyle, and Alexander have also called me," she says and we both laugh. We aren't really used to anyone but one another trying to call us.

"I got it," I say, and I call Alexander back first. It rings a few times before he picks up.

"Good morning," he says smoothly, and I grin.

"Morning Alexander, what do I owe the early morning phone call?" I ask amused.

"Well today just happens to be the day you were born, and I wanted to grace you with the overdue birthday wishes," he says, and I laugh at his phrasing.

"Oh, dearest me, I do see that the date is the day I was brought into existence. Please feel free to stop by for customary pizza for dinner," I muse, and I hear Click giggling from the other room and how silly I sound.

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