Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Sitting across from Aviva, the Mavericks tower is empty except for us. She has a project projected off the center table and I am just taking some notes on some of her ideas and once again I am reminded of just how intelligent she is. She speaks so articulately and with such conviction, I can't even pretend to not be impressed.

"I have to admit I am surprised you took the job," she says after a long pause of me typing.

"Me too," I say, and she laughs.

"Cathleen is starting to get her memories back, but she is still very confused," she comments, and I nod in understanding.

"I can imagine why," I mumble as I take her three-dimensional schematics and start labeling and ripping them apart. Tossing parts aside, I spin it around and start thinking about the logistics of the idea and Aviva just watches me work before typing on her computer. Glancing at my new work laptop I read through my notes and continue to work

"Can I ask you something?" She asks me after a long silence, and I glance up.

"Personally, or work-related?" I ask.

"A little bit of both," she says, and I debate it.

"Fine, but I'm asking you a personal question in response," I say and Aviva grins. I can tell she doesn't mind our exchange.

"Can I please give you and Click new phones, earpieces, and smartwatches?" She pleads, startling me, looking down at my cracked watch and my flip phone on the couch I cringe, I was going to replace everything once my bank account stabilized a bit.

"I'm planning on replacing them soon," and I push my glasses up my face

"I want you on the Mavericks network Beta," she says which startles me.

"You don't even know my real name, and you are going to have me join your very private digital network?" I ask her surprised.

"Lyle would not have let you move into Caspian if he didn't trust you. He adores Faith," Aviva says, and I let off a small sigh. Tugging at my scarf, the material is soft but too thick, I should have grabbed a lighter scarf this morning.

"The Mavericks have done enough for Click and I, I will replace everything once my bank account evens out," I say seriously, and Aviva doesn't back down.

"Who said I was doing it just for you? I want to be able to get a hold of you and Click at a moment's notice," Aviva says seriously, and I am impressed with her forward behavior. I didn't think she had this kind of tenacity in her.

"Someone is feeling forward," I mumble as I continue to work.

"I'm also having suits made and I know you saw the boots in your wardrobe," she pushes, and I just think of what to say. The boots are very clunky, and I plan on ripping them apart and rebuilding them once I have a moment too.

"I hope you realize I am not a superhero Arlington, and I don't plan on being one. I am an engineer and clearly, the universe didn't want me to be a hero, so I listened and left," I fire back, and she doesn't even flinch.

"Everyone else seems to think otherwise, Lyle especially. He said you were the strongest of everyone, you were supposed to be the team leader," Arlington continues to push, and I know she is getting under my skin on purpose. She's pushing to get somewhere in this conversation, and I don't know where yet.

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