Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Are you sure you want to help with this?" I ask her tentatively. If we get caught, we could be arrested.

"Of course, I want to help! School has been sucking the life out of me and I need something fun to do," Click says with a dangerous grin and I shake my head at her.

"At least you are as crazy as I am," I muse as I yank my hair out of my face. Click attempts to tuck hers into a hat to conceal the vivacious color. She puts on a pair of glasses to protect her eyes and I grab mine so that I can see.

"Are these the canisters?" Click asks excitedly and I nod. It had taken a few weeks for the materials I needed for this convoluted plan to arrive, but that was enough time for people to let their guard back down. Grabbing the two makeshift guns; I hand Click a belt with the water-soluble canisters attached.

"This isn't going to poison anyone is it?" Click asks carefully and I shake my head.

"It's safe to consume activated charcoal in small quantities, and the way this is synthesized that the charcoal is in such a small micro quantity that it won't really cause any harm. The charcoal is just a starting point to get the insanely dark pigment," I say, and she nods relieved.

"Very clever," Click says happily as we make our way to the roof.

"New York also doesn't have to filter or treat its water so this should get really messy," I say, and I can't help the bubble of laughter that slips through my lips.

"You said we have to go North?" Click asks, pulling out her phone and I nod.

"We might as well just attack everything at the source, if we try to pull anything close to the city we will probably get caught," I say seriously and Click understands.

Taking off from the roof, we push our boards harder than we normally do and cruse much farther north. Click checks her watch for directions and we slightly shift our trajectory. We have to fly for quite a while to reach our destination. We pass over a lot of fences and blocked areas, but nobody can quite figure out where we are because we are smaller than any other thing capable of flying.

"We need to hurry!" I say as an alarm starts sounding. Steering with my feet, I load the gun with quite a few canisters, and I hear Click doing the same. Another alarm goes off as we both fire the first six canisters into the water. Watching them disappear, we load a few more when I hear multiple guns being loaded.

"Beta, kill the lights!" Click orders and I close my eyes and surge all of the electricity in the immediate area and it's black instantly. There is a lot of cursing and screaming and we fire the second set of canisters slightly blind.

"We need to lock boards," Click says quickly and I am almost knocked over by her suddenly yanking my board to hers and they magnetize, and we take off. Using each other for leverage, when we a few miles away from the watershed, we undo our boards and continue our flight home.

"I cannot wait to see the news in the morning," Click says and I can hear the grin in her voice. I am equally excited. The canisters would take some time to dissolve, probably close to an hour. But because of the material, they would be undetectable by most machinery. Once they dissolved, the water should reach the city by the morning

I sleep well, exhausted from the adventure, and the next morning I am awoken to Click making breakfast and the sound of panicked news people. Rolling out of bed, I put my new contact in and walk into the kitchen where we keep our small TV. Click gives me a sly smirk and I read the headline. New York's water supply blackened with an unknown substance.

"Officials are advising that all residents should avoid drinking and showering in the water until scientists can finish conducting tests on the cause," the newscaster says quickly but calmly.

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