Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"Click I am heading out to get groceries!" I call out to the apartment and she screams something back.

Waiting patiently for the elevator, I make it out of the building without running into anyone or being stopped. I just needed to grab some more groceries for this week before I head back into work and have to slam this project out of the park. I have a lot of deadlines in the new year and I am not about to lag behind for any reason.

Tugging at the material under my sweatshirt, the suit fits like a glove and I'm excited to start wearing it. The panels on the side are cool and remind me how customized this suit really is. Aviva installed things in the wrist that I can push electricity into, and it will hold it in a reserve in certain key points on the suit. I check for my mask in my front pocket and continue on my way.

Chatter picks up in my earpiece when I am in the store but no one's voice comes through, so I ignore it.

"Who's on the line?" I hear Alexander asks as I walk back home.

"I am," I say, and I stop.

"I need assistance now," he says, and I drop my bags at the desk and take the elevator straight up in a hurry. Holding the elevator button, I go straight up. Reaching the roof, I jump off and kick start the boots and take off. Pinging him on my watch I recognize the building.

"I'm on my way," I say

"Be there in two," Cathleen's voice says, and we can see the mess on the rooftop.

"That's for sure a bomb," I say.

"On your six Influx," Aviva says, and I steer left and she shoots past and lands ahead of me.

"Feedback watch your step," I say worried as I zip around the building. Cathleen appears on the rooftop next door to oversee.

"Alpha watch what you say, he seems unhinged," Alexander says, and I swoop low worried and I see it, Alexander is flung clear off the roof. Darting forward, I flick my wrist and my boots hit full force as I catch him in my arms, barely. Grabbing his suit, I use static electricity to help and I drop him by Cathleen and cut hard and turn down the power as I land on the roof behind the bomber.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that you are supposed to blow a building up from the bottom?" I draw out annoyed and he spins around. Glaring at me with beady brown eyes, I just roll my eyes and focus on the electronics in the bomb. The controller falls apart in his hand and I lunge forward to grab him.

He falls backward and flings me over his head. Landing on my feet, I kick him clear across the face and Aviva grabs him from behind and the vest with the bomb comes loose. Ripping it off of him, I look at the timer and my heart rate soars. Flicking my wrist, the boots crank on and I am shot into the air at lightning speed. The timer clicks down precariously, and I channel all my energy into my arm and hurl the bomb into the air. The explosion knocks me back and I spin around in the sky.

"I got her!" Someone screams and as I tumble and smash into someone. I grab hold quickly and see Alexander's half masked face grinning down at me. Steadying myself for a moment, I gain my metaphorical footing with the boots.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and we zip back down to the roof.

"I'm good," I say, and Aviva has him pinned and cuffed. Cathleen makes them disappear after a few moments and I nosedive down to the ground before reeling back and making a soft landing. Alexander comes in a little hot, but the boots seem to take it well.

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