Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"I got all the stuff for Christmas pancakes," Click says as she unloads everything into the fridge. Glancing up from the digital picture frames I am working on, I nod in response.

"What are you working on?" She asks me curiously before plopping down on the couch next to me.

"I'm setting these up for my parents as a Christmas gift," I grumble, and I try resyncing everything and nothing pushes through.

"It doesn't seem to be working," Click comments and I try again.

"I have a 148 IQ and I can't figure out something this stupid," I grumble annoyed and she takes it from me. She hits a few buttons and the photos pop up. Handing it back to me, she hides her smirk.

"Thank you," I mumble, and I flip through the photos.

"Woah, is that you in college?" Click asks and I hand her the frame.

"Yes, I uploaded some from when I was in college and some of us from the last few years. It's a little piece of everything that they've missed," I say and Click gives me a sad smile.

"I'm sure they will love it," Click says and she rests her head on my shoulders and flips through the photos. There are photos from the concerts I was in, and when I went to States and won gold for archery for my college, twice. I have photos of both of our college graduations and a photo Aviva took of the two of us after my first save with her.

"Look at you all slick with a bow and arrow," she teases, and I laugh and snatch the frame back from her. I sync the other quickly and put them both back in their box.

"Benjamin taught me archery when I was younger and I got a scholarship for it to one school, and so I went," I say as I wrap everything up. Click lends me a hand and we chat mindlessly. Glancing at our little Christmas tree, it feels cozy in here.

"Are we going to the tower for Christmas?" Click asks me curiously.

"Were we invited?" I ask confused.

"Faith invited us, she says that's where everyone celebrates now,"

"That's where we celebrated when we were kids," I comment thoughtfully and Click bounces up.

"I'm surprised Alexander didn't mention something to you last night," she says with a wicked grin and I raise an eyebrow.

"Eavesdropping my dear?" I ask her flatly and she laughs. Chasing her into the kitchen, we dance around the island before she darts for her room. Shaking my head at her, I pull everything for garbage stew out of the fridge. Grabbing my phone, I put on some seasonal music and hum along as I cut the vegetables. Click eventually sneaks back out and helps me.

As the evening draws to a close, I dry off all of our dishes and put them away while Click gets ready for bed. Humming to myself, I am startled when the shadows in the room jump to life, and Cathleen and Aviva appear, both dressed in red and gold sweaters. They must have been at a holiday event of some sort.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask wryly, I'm glad I already have everything wrapped.

"There isn't exactly a door for us to knock on," Aviva counters with a grin, walking over she leans against the island.

"What brings you two by?" I ask curiously and I hear Click stall in her room.

"I wanted to ask you to join us for Christmas tomorrow morning," Aviva says simply, and I chuckle.

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