Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"These blueprints are phenomenal," Arlington says excited almost a month after the run-in with the three metas.

"I've been working endlessly on this project to wrap it up," I admit. Rubbing my eyes slightly, I reposition my glasses and watch her carefully as she scans everything.

"Beta is the best tester we have ever had," Nathan boasts, and I shake my head.

"You just need to think outside the box," I say simply as I sort through my papers.

"We will get this into the next step and let you know if there are any tweaks," Nathan says, and I can feel Arlington's gaze.

"Don't discredit yourself, the regulations needed to make this and the knowledge you would need of materials and priceless. That's an insane amount to mentally juggle and there is no formal guide here for that," Arlington says, and I shrug.

"I've been doing the job since I was twenty-three, you just start to pick up things," I say with a shrug.

"How old are you?" Arlington asks me curiously and I chuckle.

"I am turning twenty-nine in a bit," I say, and she smiles and nods.

"I think we're about done here ladies, let's meet up again in a month," Nathan says, and we all agree and set a date before making our way outside. I want to ask Arlington so badly about the incident, but it wouldn't make sense to. She doesn't even know who I really am or how I would know something so personal about her and what she's been through.

"Do you want to grab coffee?" She asks me sweetly and I look at her surprised.

"I can't drink caffeine, it makes my heart race," I say, and she laughs and grins.

"I jitter like crazy if I drink caffeine, what about decaf?" She asks me and I smile under my scarf. I can't even seem to find any rage towards her at the moment. I'll just take the coffee to go.

"Sure," I say, and we walk a block to the nearest coffee shop in slightly awkward silence.

"Is everything... okay?" Arlington asks me after we've taken a seat. Looking up surprised, I wonder what she means. I'm not generally very talkative in our meetings.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You seem different today, off even," Arlington comments, there is no malice in her tone, just curiosity.

"I just have a lot on mind," I admit carefully, and she pushes her glasses up.

"I understand that all too well... is there anything you want to talk to me about? I have to admit I am surprised you agreed to coffee considering I thought you hated me," Arlington says carefully, and I can see her playing with all the pieces in her head. Her nose is scrunched faintly, and every word is cautiously chosen.

"I've never hated you Arlington," I say honestly.

I wanted nothing more than to hate the women in front of me, I wanted to despise her and harbor as much anger as I do for them, for her, but I can't. She's innocent, she has no clue, and on top of that, she's so intelligent and easy to talk to. I've always been a sucker for someone who can keep up with me in a conversation and she does it without hesitation. I can understand why Cathleen fell for her and why Alexander adores her. I often wonder if they would love Click just as much, she's got the technological savviness that could keep Alexander engaged in a conversation for hours.

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